Sunday, April 1, 2012

Oyacorn Goodbye Until May

Yep this card is so awesome and BTW I will not be reviewing anything or posting anything until next month as I  just don't like this anymore.
Anyway onto the last review until May where I'll stop doing decks and instead blog about Cardfight Vanguard and it's new set to release in last I checked May. So this is the last Yu-Gi-Oh post good riddance
Level 4
If a Field Spell card is face-up on the field, this card gain 1000 ATK.

So ya summon this play Black Garden... opponent cannot beat it with out summoning a 4500 beater. But this card also gains massively from a single Gaia Power pushing this card to 2700 ATK enough to run over most anything in battle. This cards main power is in how much synergy it has with Solidarity in a pure Plant deck. I mean imagine... Summon this guy... Plop down Solidarity he hits 2000... play any Field Spell he suddenly hits 3000 as a normal summon which is nasty if that field spell was Gaia Power he becomes 3500 enough to run over nearly any monster in the game. Using Fairy King Alvard would make all your opponents monsters 500 ATK weaker if they aren't EARTH effectively making this monster with a Field Spell big enough to defeat anything with less than 2700 to start with.

The kicker to this card is how well he works in a deck based around Gaia Power and Solidarity essentially an EARTH Plant deck!!! If you take the time to pull that combo off you can have a free 3500 beater and with the rest of the deck created to support him such as using Botanical Leo who with Gaia Power and Solidarity gains 1300 ATK making him 3200 but then with Oyacorn both will be 3500 beaters!!! Fallen Angel of Roses can return Oyacorn to be summoned again later and give you another beater who would be at 3700 ATK amazing! EARTH Plant can also easily summon Bambooshoot thanks to Naturia Cherries and Naturia Beans. Who all become huge beaters in their own right. You can even use Super Solar Nutrient on Naturia Cherries to summon from your deck an Oyacorn. Sweet Corn becomes a 1300 beater that can summon more 1300 beaters for 500 Life Points amazing!! Rosaria, the Stately Fallen Angel can quite easily be summoned and wreck havoc dealing 4200 damage every direct attack. Remember this is just all with 1 Solidarity and 1 Gaia Power... Imagine 2 Solidarity boosting the ATK of everything by 800 more to 2100... Sweet Corn would become a major threat!!! Naturia Cherries would be able to kill Gantetsu who even still lost DEF from Gaia Power!!! Your monsters will just be too strong and Oyacorn would be your leading vanguard in the assault!!!
What day was this posted on? If you don't read this and panic you will look very very depressing.
So thank you all for your continued views and I'll see you all next May.




    2. "What day was this posted on? If you don't read this and panic you will look very very depressing."

      The Fine Print... This was posted yesterday... April 1st... Late April fools FTW Atlanthal today yay

  2. Phew... I was so worried for a minute. Please never stop this blog ^^

    1. Lol don't worry I won't stop until I get absolutely bored shitless...
