Sunday, July 29, 2012

Plant Synchro Never Dies

Due to my newfound uncaring for Abyss Rising after thinking for so long that it was the best thing since sliced bread. It's just boring to me now but I guess I can try to explore the set a bit more. Back onto the post. I will not give a deck build but rather why it still can work well.

First though I must tell you all of it's new weaknesses and what it can't deal with.
With the banning of our easy Synchro options and our main non-tuner named Reborn Tengu the deck has to actually plan and create chances to synchro summon at it's most effective. Now with the lack of easy spam siding for the deck is far easier than before and the deck is so much slower that dealing with the sheer speed of Inzektors or Wind-ups or even Chaos Dragon the deck has to slow down even more but with a reduced trap line-up it is very hard to do so.

I've been running the deck with Naturia Cherries and Evil Thorn as my main advantage engines which leads to nutty things and I run 5 ways minimum to steal monsters Tragoedia makes that 7. Mark of the Rose and Creature Swap are extremely powerful this format along with Mind Control you can in one turn turn your opponent's entire field against them in one Swell Foop.

The deck has an uncanny ability to summon Shooting Star Dragon and an extremely difficult time summoning Shooting Quasar Dragon due to the lack of dat Glow-up or Spore comboes into it. Most of my wins with the deck were due to Shooting Star Dragon attacking 2-3 times per turn though 2 is normally enough.

The deck has a very very hard time with Laval's simply because there is nothing you can do about Quasar game 1.

Now then there are many ways to run the deck and even more ways to build it so mine may not be the best example but it has very few losses so far mostly due to inducing many a rage quit due to what seems like lucky top decks when in reality... The deck runs so many good top decks that milling is actually not a good thing for it anymore when the only thing you really need in grave is Dandylion.

Another thing is that the deck has a tendency to rarely god hand. But when it does god hand it means it... one game I drew Debris Dragon, One for One, Super Solar Nutrient, Dandylion, Heavy Storm... that turn went as such... One for One drop Dandy for Naturia Cherries (after a heavy storm of course). Sync for Formula... Summon Debris revive Dandy... sync for Stardust Dragon... get two more Tokens... sync for Shooting Star Dragon. Use Super Solar Nutrient on a token to grab Lonefire Blossom who tributes the other Token for Tytannial Princess of Camelias... They quit...Hand never happened again.

I say make a build of Plant Synchro if you used to enjoy the deck back in the day and just test it out and you'll see that it isn't dead it's just severely crippled but with some rehab it may come out of this okay.

Dear Konami please please please do not bring back Glow-Up Bulb... but Spore did nothing wrong except make a deck able to do ridiculous synchro chains...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

September 1st Banlist Predictions

Because I saw Zero-th Theory make one I have to make one too or else I'll feel left behind though I no longer play in real life.

On to the list.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Monster Reborn
Future Fusion

Let me explain my choices for Forbidden:
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning never actually needed to come back it wasn't a necessity and it being banned hurts Chaos sure but most decks that could fit him in would run him. They weren't top decks but if you simply had to run him just because of 3 Veilers and another random Light that isn't healthy for deck building. He isn't really broken aside from the fact that he's a cheap 3000 ATK special summon that can possibly deal 8000 Damage in one turn or just banish anything you could have played. Many times I summoned him before going into combos just to force my opponent to use their last Solemn Judgment or Solemn Warning thinking they are safe and then exploding all over their face against their reduced life points. He is simply too much of a threat to be Generic and legal.

Monster Reborn no matter how much I don't want it to go it needs to disappear for awhile. Monster Reborn isn't even a power card like it once was most of the time I see it used to continue an otherwise dead combo. It's most deadly use though is in just like Black Luster Soldier... It will no matter what force your opponent to do something about it or face the consequences of quite possibly an instant death. As a top deck against an opponent who isn't expecting it (Which it's fine to not expect it as a 1 of that your opponent has to actualy draw) it will most likely be the reason you won much like Mind Control. But unlike Mind Control it doesn't depend on what your opponent has on the field all it cares about it what has happened previously in the duel.

Future Fusion is obvious. This card has been broken ever since Chimeratech Overdragon was released... It had most of a format for players to use 3 Future Fusion 3 Overload Fusion and 1 Heavy Storm and 1 Giant Trunade... the OTK was Giant Trunade>Future Fusion>Overload Fusion swing for death... or if you didn't have Giant Trunade or Heavy Storm you use RFTDD or Dimension Fusion to lock your opponent and still swing for death. Now though Future Fusion has 1 Card FTK/OTK and sets up the most dangerous deck in the format to sweep. It's basically if I go first and have Future Fusion you have lost the game... if I go second and am able to resolve Future Fusion you have lost the game. Regardless of Fusions limit to one it is still too powerful and too fast.

Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaighty
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Inzektor Dragonfly
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dragged Down to the Grave

This list is quite tamer that I thought it would be:
Wind-up Carrier Zenmaighty is the crux of the Wind-up Loop. At one you get to dump 1 card for free instead of 3. It also makes Wind-up's more accountable for their mistakes, if your Zenmaighty is gone it's most likely gone for good meaning you can't simply summon another one at another time. Not to mention it kills that loop making Wind-ups simply a deck and not a free win for the user.

Tour Guide from the Underworld at 1 any deck running Tour Bus can still use her to great effect she can still tutor sangan or any other Fiends of the appropriate level while at 1 she cannot grab a copy of herself which is simply Tengu levels of power. Yes she can be stopped easily but a free Zenmaines means that your opponent has to minus to kill your monster no matter what he does which is what you wanted. It also hits Rabbit's consistency, they lose their way to search their searcher and cannot retrieve a used Rabbit with Leviair as often or as easily. This way you don't kill Dino Rabbit you just temper it's power the same with the ban on Future Fusion and the limit on Zenmaighty

Inzektor Dragonfly at Limit means that Inzektors will have to be once again more careful with their Dragonfly and can't simply summon a new one if their original is destroyed. It hurts their consistency just a tad bit to keep them in line after the other decks get their respective hits.

Tsukuyomi has been on the list far too long and in this Meta is still too slow to really do much of anything. She may kill a Dark Armed Dragon or flip a Zenmaines for a Nobleman of Crossout or something she is just really slow and Grand Mole often does her job better than her.

Tribe-Infecting Virus With this card back Mermail's and Atlanteans get a small boost in power by giving them a true way to deal with every deck while also possibly keeping some cards in the game in line. The sheer power of decks such as Inzektor and Hero's can be challenged with this card. Even gives a non-Cyber Dragon way to deal with Gadgets and Geargia. While also freeing up space on the Forbidden list to keep it from becoming too big.

Rekindling going to 1 hurts Laval's and Flamvell decks majorly but doesn't outright kill them but takes away their two card OTKs consistency. Meaning they have to be able to play a game of Yu-Gi-Oh with you instead of building the deck to spam out whatever they can. Not to mention this card is simply more powerful than Monster Reborn and you can use 3 copies in one turn (I've done it... Quasar and a field of Synchros isn't all that fair)

Mystical Space Typhoon needs to go back to it's original place on the list. With so many substitutes for it available we won't have a repeat of the Set 5 go format but we also raise the viability of Trap cards to further slow down the top decks. Besides Night Beam can fix the problems Typhoon leaving would bring with a more powerful but also more restrictive card.

Dragged Down to the Grave is a major power card for Dark World they plus from its effect and interfere with the opponent's play. Not to mention with the other changes made this deck becomes a lot of powerful as nothing affected it at all. Now they only have 1 Dragged Down but get to keep their 3 Dealings and their Card Destruction and other such things.

E - Emergency Call
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Effect Veiler
Pot of Duality

Reasonings are needed for this Semi List as well...

E- Emergency Call is a perfectly balanced stratos without a body and more restrictive. But it gives massive consistency to HERO decks which are mostly untouched by this list. So taking it down a notch can help to stop HERO's like the above Dark World and Inzektor hits stop those decks from dominating after everything else is said and done.

Hieratic Seal of Convocation leads to the Hieratic OTK and Gishki Loop and though it doesn't win major tournaments right now it still will need a hit soon and this is a soft hit just to help prevent the deck from becoming too consistent.

Scapegoat going to 2 is the dangerous choice of this list. It may bring the game back to a really stally Goaty format but at the same time with the sheer number of field wipes and toolboxing for piercers from the Extra deck. It isn't too big of a problem, it also slightly boosts Synchro decks while not boosting Xyz decks which is fair for now. Besides it may shake things up a bit ya know being able to hold off more attacks is a good thing and the card is not defeated by Mystical Space Typhoon but is defeated by Night Beam. With Tribe back every token can be destroyed at will anyway. It also makes cards like Destiny Hero - Plasma more viable to be played and brings back Creature Swap as a viable card to help win Creature Wars.

Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind is another dangerous choice as it makes Blackwing (One of the decks I hate most) more powerful and is also a splashable card when it wants to be. Just that this format I'm trying to bring about won't be as fast as previous formats while not as slow as Set 5 go format hopefully. I want a card like this to be used as an answer for big threats and bring them down to destructible levels.

Effect Veiler is a 3 of in too many decks simple. When a card is played in 3 in every deck most times it is the cards fault for being to versatile. In this case it is because Effect Veiler is too necessary to deal with the major threats. But with most of the major threats neutered 3 Effect Veiler can stifle the game while 2 Effect Veiler can still keep you safe but gives you another spot in your deck if you will still need Effect Veiler. I actually want to test this format on DN with a few friends so I can give results in a few days.

Pot of Duality going to 2 lowers the consistency of every deck it was ever used in... but it wasn't a broken powerful card but most decks ran 3 just because they didn't need to OTK every turn just like what Card Car D used to do. This is something else I'm gonna have to test to see how it goes now that DN has that Unlimited setting I can use it for so many things. Leave comments here on what you like and don't like about the list.

On to the Unlimited:
Destiny Hero - Malicious
Magical Stone Excavation
Magic Cylinder

Destiny Hero Malicious can come off the list simply because it's power is far more limited than it once was and that is a good thing. The more stuff taken off the list the better overall. Besides it gives a nice boost to deck reliant on actual Tribute Summons which is something that hasn't been safe to do for a while. Besides it's original Niche can use it again in Tele-DAD giving faster access to big synchros but with the rest of the changes to the list it'll still run into major hiccups from being unable to deal the damage and then due to not touching any of the field wipes... losing all of it swiftly.

Magical Stone Excavation was on the list because Diamond Dude Turbo was broken beyond belief in it's heyday and nowadays the deck doesn't really exist. Very few decks actually want to discard 2 cards as a cost to get back 1 card... The play is a 3 for 1 exchange and with Monster Reborn gone you have to be a bit more creative with the targets.

Magic Cylinder is an iffy card as bringing more power to the backrow is something I wanted to do but I didn't want the backrow to be too powerful... This card promotes burn decks which are some of the most hated decks of all time but I don't yet know how this'll pan out time to test that as well see how it works.

For those who want a clear list of what I'm thinking...

New Forbidden:
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Monster Reborn
Future Fusion

New Limited:

Wind-Up Carrier Zenmaighty
Tour Guide from the Underworld
Inzektor Dragonfly
Tribe-Infecting Virus
Mystical Space Typhoon
Dragged Down to the Grave

New Semi-Limited:

E - Emergency Call
Hieratic Seal of Convocation
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Effect Veiler
Pot of Duality

New Unlimited:

Destiny Hero - Malicious
Magical Stone Excavation
Magic Cylinder

It's an interesting list to be sure and I don't know how well it'll work so I'll go test that now lol.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Information Post

I will slowly start back posting on this again. as Abyss Rising has been fully spoiled and all I am waiting for now is for DN to get all of the cards or for all the pictures to be in one location so I can get them all without too much effort. After I eventually finish these reviews I'll have some interesting WATER decks to show off. Penguins, Tinplate Lemuria, Mermail, Gishki, Atlantean Mermail, Atlantean Divas. Along with some fun ways to run Monarchs. Trooper Monarch!!! Neo Apprentice Monarch!!!

For funsies here is a kind of Release List for OCG and TCG for New Cards in order of course!! (Only sets or promo's with at least 1 card new to the World) Won't list the Renew subscription OCG promo's because those may or may not come out at a certain date due to people receiving it at different times.

21 OCG Abyss Rising 
21 OCG V Jump Festa Promo
30 OCG Weekly Jump 35 2012 Promo (WJMP)

3 OCG Zexal Manga Volume 3 Promo
4 OCG Super Strong Jump 9 2012 Promo (SJMP)
11 OCG Duelist Edition Volume 1 and 2
21 OCG V-Jump Volume 10 2012 Promo (VJMP)
21 OCG Valuable Book 15 Promo Set
28 TCG Return of the Duelist

22  OCG Duelist Pack 13: Kaito Tenjo

2 TCG Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World

?? TCG Abyss Rising

I am not reviewing anything adhering to this schedule of course Some of them I've already reviewed anyway but this is simply a means to keep everyone pumped about Releases so you have something to look forward too. I picture October and September having far more new releases than I have listed but they just haven't been announced yet.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

My new Blog

For all Vanguard Players out there I have started a new blog dedicated solely to Cardfight!! Vanguard. Right now the first post has been completed. I shall resume posts on this blog eventually just give me some time alright. The new blog is located at and shall be added to my Blog List so you all can see whether it has been updated recently.

On the Yu-Gi-Oh front I've been working on a deck that utilizes Spellbooks for a Control Deck... Madolche Magileine being able to supply me with a nearly infinite supply of monsters is crucial to the low monster count. Along with La Maison the Spellbook Institute I can easily begin to have extremely large amounts of card advantage allowing for me to run more costly spells. So expect a build for it once I've finalized it.