Monday, March 26, 2012

Tempel Ideas

So Magical Summoner, Tempel can let me summon any level 5 or higher Dark or Light Spellcaster from my Deck... At the cost of using a Spell Card and tributing it... DONE!! As in Read More because I really typed more than I thought I would and it would crowd the front page. And nope this is a Strategy post not a Deck

Simplest and most useful idea is just to Summon Tempel... activate Grimoire Book of Magic... search Necronomicon/Torah Book of Magic... Tribute Tempel, summon Magical Priestess, Junon... Banish Grimoire and destroy a card... Net Gain of 1... (Summon was 1 hand to 1 field Net of 0... Grimoire was 1 hand 1 hand... Net of 0... Junon was 1 field 1 field... Net of 0... 0 field/hand 1 OP.Field... Net of 1) So for 1 summon and 1 search you get to drop a Level 7 2500 beater and kill something... with the Torah you can force your opponent to waste a card on your Junon meaning an essential plus 1 if used correctly...

But then we also have the power to grab out from the deck Dark Magician of Chaos (Hence why this card can now no longer ever come off the list)... Not only do you plus 2... but you also get any Magic in grave back...

On to more realistic and not banned ideas. You can use this play to summoner Sorciere de Fleur and use it's effect to grab any level 4 or lower monster from your opponents grave... Hopefully something with an Ignition Effect.

My favorite way to use Tempel though is to summon Dark Magician which can then be backed up with all the terrible but fun Dark Magician support cards...

Tempel is also Level 3... Magical Exemplar with 3 Counters minimum can summon Tempel from hand or graveyard. Tempel can then spam out something useful like a Junon for a free kill or a Big Beater like Sorciere de Fleur. Another possible play is to cheat a little... If you have Tempel on field and any level 3 Spellcaster in grave you can use Grimoire to summon out Dark Magician Girl thanks to Tempel's effect... Then you can use Necronomicon (Assuming it's effect to boost levels applies only while equipped) and banish Tempel for the level 3 Spellcaster/Gagaga Magician/Gagaga Girl/etc... You now have 2 Level 6 Monsters both of which are Spellcasters... you didn't break Tempel's rule of another Level 5 or above Special Summon. Overlay's for Magi Magi Magician Gal...

A Book of Spell based deck would essentially require you to run Junon and Tempel... but you can fill in with generic spellcasters or spellcasters you just happen to like. Junon + Dark Magician is Magical Heirophant, Hairon/Big Eye... The deck can even summon Lucky Stripe with adequate protection and thanks to Gagagashield we have just that. I cannot wait to review these cards I assure you. Thanks for viewing.

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