Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dino Rabbit

This time around I won't supply you with a decklist or anything of that sort this is a strategy meeting to explain why Dino Rabbit is just so good right now in TCG land.

First and foremost: The OCG Priority ruling that made retaining your priority for an Ignition effect no longer possible means that cards like Raigeki Break and Effect Veiler and Fiendish Chain or anything that isn't a counter trap are able to stop the Rabbit from going off and when they get Tour Guide it will stop that from going off too (That'll be after the next banlist though). In TCG we don't have that cushion that makes so many decks better and makes ignition effects less god like. Meaning turn 1 Rabbit cannot be stopped without a Solemn Warning, Divine Wrath, Solemn Judgment, etc. Rabbit in general was already a nuisance in OCG but with the ruling not changing in TCG makes the deck extremely powerful much like Wind-up's. A clear way to stop this deck though would be simply any main decked Effect Negation that negates effects that work in the RFG. Imperial Iron Wall is also a choice by stopping Rabbit from activating but that's a niche card and hard to side with. There are many good cards that stop Rabbit... and once Rabbit is in grave it won't be coming back bar a Monster Reborn or a Call of the Haunted. So all in all stopping the Rabbit itself requires a major investment and Gemini Spark can't stop it (This is one of the reasons Hero Beat works well in OCG.)

Next: The deck runs so much powerful negation... It has a Spell Speed 2 Solemn Judgment, and a Spell Speed 2 double use free Divine Wrath. Turn 1 Laggia backed up with Warning and Fiendish Chain or in hand Effect Veiler is often game-ending. As your turn 2 would be a Leviair and a Dolkka/Laggia depending on situation. Once that turn 2 comes to pass the duel is probably over. All of that power though stems from making Laggia as quickly as possible... if you stop that Laggia play you have a good shot at winning as you've set them back majorly. Hence why people began to run Bottomless Trap Hole against Rabbit... as both Sabersaurus and Kabazauls have over 1500... you'd get to banish two copies and your opponent wouldn't have an Xyz. Sure they can Tour Guide later but they are still stuck. Now with 2 Torrential Tribute you can do the same... it won't be banishing but you'll have broader destruction at your fingertips. (Once again with no Ignition priority upon summoning this can kill Rabbit too lol). Another option is to bait the Laggia and make it waste materials on something like a Smashing Ground and then follow up with a Dark Hole or a Torrential... The problem with that is your opponent forces you to waste power cards to get rid of a 2400 beater... just as strong as your Jinzo...

Third: The deck is extremely fast and this ties into the upper portions too. Turn 1 you can make a 1 card Laggia and protect it... Turn 2 you can make Dolkka/Laggia with a Leviair... Turn 3 you control from there on and win... Meaning to slow it down you have 3 choices... stop the Rabbit immediately and in TCG we can barely do that... make the Laggia waste materials and get murdered... make the Laggia waste materials and bait the opponent into making a second one with their huge Leviair play against a face-down Torrential Tribute (They'd lose 2 more Dinosaurs, 2 Tour Guides, Leviair, and a Laggia...). But out of those the only one that is fool-proof is straight on negating the Rabbit play. In OCG you can just destroy or veiler Rabbit and it'll just die. (in OCG Wind-ups get murdered due to having their Zenmaighty negated and have to rely on the loop... Inzektors do well because of the priority thing, yes it makes them more vulnerable but at the same time they don't have to contend with Dino Rabbit as often and with Agents and Junk Doppel mostly out of the picture they can rape).

Finally: This is the most expensive deck we've had in a very long time... I've heard Dolkka is going for 60 right now... so think about it...
 (Going by while at YCS ATL prices (rather inflated due to the event))
3x Tour Guide 240-300
3x Rabbit 120-180
1x Dolkka 60
2x Laggia 30
3x Maxx "c" 360
1x Wind-up Zenmaines 120

so that makes it
1030 dollars or so.... at the low end it's around 910 at the lowest probably 800 or so... Thats not to mention I only covered a few of the cards... meaning if you have all the cards to build such an expensive deck you might as well build it. Anyone remember Tele-DAD... This is close to that price minus the SJC prize card Crush Card Virus.

This means that this is a money deck it makes Inzektors look extremely affordable... (Their most expensive card that they have no choice but to run is Hornet at 30ish)

Sams are now extremely cheap in comparison to their old prices... (Budget levels)
Wind-ups's are even cheaper with their need for triple Zenmaighty and triple Rat they are nearly budget
that staggering price is mostly the fault of Tour Guide and Maxx "C"... if both of those cards were at the price of 5 dollars each the deck would be very affordable in comparison to the 400-600 dollars those cards together add to the cost of the deck...

There is no doubt though in the TCG that this deck is a force to be reckoned with and must be approached with caution...


  1. I like your analysis, good article.

  2. >Call Wind-Ups nearly budget minus Maxx C/Tour Guide

    >Forget to mention Wind-Up Rabbit at $50+ each

    > -_-

    1. wow Wind-up Rabbit is 50 each? Last time I saw it (Back when the set was new it was like 10) I don't keep up with prices all my prices are from hearsay and talking to vendors at the YCS ATL.

  3. Wow thats pricy for a children's card game
