Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Another Theoretical Deck... Gagaga Magician's Magic Book

This is more of a fun build based around the new fun Magical cards full of mostly gimmick plays. The actual cards are quite nice and very semi-broken.

Well you know about a few of them by now but I implore you to look them up on Shriek or Wikia as they are quite good. This build will be more focused on Templo, Lamour, Shario, Junon, Batel... heck essentially all of them lol.
Monsters: 18
2x Gagaga Magician
2x Gagaga Girl
2x Magical Scrivener, Batel
2x Magical Archer, Lamour
3x Magical Summoner, Tempel
2x Magical Swordsman, Shario
2x Magical Priestess, Junon
1x Sorciere de Fleur
2x Effect Veiler

Spells: 14
2x Grimoire Book of Magic
2x Hygromanteia Book of Magic
3x Necronomicon Book of Magic
2x Torah Book of Magic
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Heavy Storm

Traps: 8
2x Gagagashield
2x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment

Extra: 15
1x No. 15 Gimmick Puppet - Giant Killer
1x Magical Heirophant, Hairon
1x No. 11 Big Eye
1x Magi Magi Magician Gal
1x Photon Streak Bouncer
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Maestroke, The Symphony Djinn
1x No. 50 Black Corn
1x No. 39 Utopia
1x Lavalval Chain
1x Tentempo the Drum Djinn
1x Wind-up Zenmaines
1x Leviair, the Sea Dragon
1x No. 17 Leviathan Dragon

If you haven't noticed the main monster in the deck is Magical Summoner, Tempel. I can use any of my Book of Magic cards and suddenly drop a Sorciere De Fleur or a Magical Priestess, Junon for a free destruction... Using Lamour I can drop a Gagaga Magician to the field for an easy Rank 3. Shario can pitch any Book of Magic to grave to return any Spellcaster to hand including Effect Veiler... The deck honestly doesn't need the Gagaga cards but they are extremely fun to use. I hope you have liked this series of new things to come in REDU. Soon though I'll be returning to standard decklists until the end of March where I'll begin my reviews come April. I'm happy with the positive reception of this change of pace.

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