Thursday, February 9, 2012

Xyz Reborn Review and Archetypal Deck How to

So yesterday I did a Review and how to build a deck. Today is going to be far shorter as I'm not going to restate the Ideas... Archetypal decks actually just alter the order you put in cards to an extent. So first up on the chopping block Xyz Reborn!!
Xyz Reborn
Trap Card
Target 1 Xyz Monster in your Graveyard; Special Summon it and attach this card to it as an Xyz Material.

Super Simple but can be devastating... This card allows your Hope to not be a liability through it's own effect. This card though is best used to revive Xyz that can either stop your opponents plays or disrupt their attacks. Meaning the perfect deck to use it in is Sacreds. Note this card says "and" so the last thing to happen is the Special Summon so your monsters will be vulnerable to cards like Torrential Tribute.

An interesting tidbit is that this card triggers Star of the Sacred on your opponents turn but that's not really a big deal. The most important part is that this card alone can revive a Neo-Galaxy Eyes for a random good game. Or revive a Chaos Hope for a random good game. But it's at it's best used in chain to MST or Heavy Storm to minus your opponent because unlike Call of the Haunted this card is not a Continuous Trap.

Sacred Pleiades with this allows one extra bounce posthumously meaning your opponent won't be expecting the random recurrsion of Pleiades during the Battle Phase causing a replay and if Pleadies lives through said Battle Phase it becomes a major threat again. 

Any Xyz monster in grave can be a threat if you run this and in the event you use it to great effect game 1 the opponent will be wary of it and try to play around it.

Read More for the Short Archetype guide. 

Alright so first and foremost when building an Archetypal deck you begin with the 4 Ideas from the last post. Once you have the idea for the deck down (This can and probably will change through testing and building processes) you then begin with once again a "Core" but this time the "Core" is quite interesting. The fact that it is an archetypal deck means that your "Core" will consist of a bit more than just the main cards in the deck. It'll also consist of the best cards out of the entire Archetype.

First you want to look around for the cards that actually further the purpose of the archetype. Like with Sacreds you want to run Sheratan, Pollux, Leonis, and Kaust at minimum in order to facilitate your controlling Xyz Summons and to have a searcher for all your monsters.

(No Pictures this time because they won't be useful in all honesty)

Now that you have your solid Sacred Base (The thing with Archetypes there is no right number of a Core card most times so you have to theorize whats most important and what serves a double purpose) your Core is nearly finished but this is where the deck building styles branch off this time you'll want to also include other cards from the Archetype that further your Ideas. In my case I'd run Sacred Schet, Sacred Hawwa and Sacred Esca/Antares. 

After that you are finished with the Core. Next you want to once again find all the Staples your deck will be running. From there you'll want to find support cards for the Archetype and cards that support your Ideas without conflict with the Archetype such as for Sacred Control you'd run some Effect Veiler and because it's a LIGHT based deck you'd probably run Honest and  possibly Thunder King Rai-oh.  If you go the Esca/Antares route you could even use things like Photon Sanctuary. In other words you want to find cards that don't conflict and support your Ideas and Archetype (Including Archetype support). Note: Just because I didn't mention them much Spells and Traps that support your Ideas and Archetype go here too.

But because this is an Archetype deck it's mostly built for you so at this point you are running low on room hence why many Archetype decks look very similar even though the playstyle and Ideas were often quite different at first. This is where the main bulk of the Trap Line-up comes from and any other cards that don't directly support the deck but rather hinder the opponent without conflict or are just cards you want to use hence why in Archetype decks there isn't very much room for Tech (Technology for those who play Fighting Games).

So the final product may look somewhat like other decks of the same archetype but if your Ideas were supported well enough by your card choices just because the "Core" is the same doesn't mean the decks play the exact same way hence why a few cards different in an Archetype based deck can change it's match-ups majorly.

Tomorrow we go back to standard Card Reviews

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