Monday, January 2, 2012

New Slate for Yami no Duel BTW Gemknight...

Alright everyone, I know for a fact you are all tired of my whining so that's never going to happen again. I also am privy to information that you all seem to like when I don't miss days of posts. So I've found a way that even if I can't be around to post I can still post something everyday. Oh and the poll will continue on until well it ends. right now Decks and Strategy is in the lead by one over Card Reviews. So NEW YEARS RESOLUTION!!! No More Whining!!!! I'm far too old to whine like a child who doesn't get their way.

On to actual information Gemknight's have just become extremely scary... a single Gem-Knight Fusion can become a plus 2.

Here are some sample plays:
Gem-Knight Lazuli + Gem-Knight Obsidian = Gem-Knight Zirconia and 1 Normal Monster (Gemini) to hand and 1 on field... assuming you had a grave... meaning Future Fusion...

Gem-Knight Lazuli + Alius = Gem-Knight Seraphi Lazuli puts Alius to hand...  Seraphi lets you summon it back out... but eh that's a cool idea I guess.

The main idea is Gem-Knights now can recoup the advantage lost via their Fusion Summons quite easily now.

Future Fusion can fill the grave with targets for Lazuli and Obsidian. Not to mention Gem-Knight Fusion gets recylced... if you have Lazuli, Obsidian and Gem-Knight Fusion you are pretty much set up for GG... But just one of those and any other Gem-Knight with the fusion and you can already do a semi-loop. both and you can loop twice... after a fusion fusion you actually win the game... 2 Prism-Aura can nearly nuke the field on their own. Zirconia is such a big beater than it can run over most anything.

Anyway I'll have a deck for these guys tomorrow

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