Sunday, May 15, 2011

Not a huge post but I need to get back into the swing of things

Ultimate Offering has some interesting tid bits about it... first off the thing many people don't know is that... It can activate during a chain... It also seems to be able to activate multiple times during a chain. Check the Wikia to see the rulings as they aren't on the actual site... The card is also really great in Offering Gadgets... turn 2... 4 Exceeds or turn 2 5 gadgets and Limiter... so many choices. The deck has tons of OTK possibility with triple Offering but at the same time can do all the standard Gadget tricks... It has potential to be a rather nice deck. Ultimate Offering is in general a good card and makes Exceeds even easier to summon. Expect to see it pop up a little more often.

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