Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I have nothing

I was gonna post a Verz build but it turned out to be terrible... I was gonna post one of my many new decks but now they are all terrible... Because for some reason Gravekeepers cannot be beaten by Synchro Monsters... Fucking Malefic Stardust... somehow I couldn't get a single monster over 2500... yet alone a single Synchro Summon... So things the deck normally does every duel just didn't happen... Necrovalley never even affected me... It was always me being unable by any means to summon a monster above 2500... or even a monster that could get rid of the Malefic Stardust... yet alone beat it in battle... So in other words I can't play yugioh until I have Tour Guide... and 3 Rai-Oh without those theres no point... as whenever I put those in a deck it becomes nigh unstoppable... Yay for being unable to play in real life because the people at your shop talk shit about you behind your back while everytime you go there you wreck them... Also those same people not believing you could be a judge until after they see you judging no matter what hints you give them... like "Julia herself said..." and so on.... So in otherwords I am wasting my time... I can't even have fun playing this game because the deck I put so much work into ever since I got back into this game seriously- after CRMS and it's subsequent bans- just hates me for some reason... I can never draw anything useful ever... just dumb... Anyway I'm not quitting this game as I've put too much into it so I'll try to have a post tomorrow if I'm not so pissed off about this honestly speaking terrible game... (It's fun but rather terrible in that every card in most decks is on it's own gamebreaking... Tour Guide, Tengu, Hyperion, Leviair, Lavalval Chain.) STOP THE FUCKING POWER CREEP!! One should not be able to make a single Normal Summon turn into an essential OTK...

I'm just really really annoyed... and I know you all are annoyed of my ranting on here... so I'll stop... and I'm sorry for the language in the rant... I just couldn't help it... I'm really stressed right now...

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I feel the same sometimes, I tried to build some new decks, but everything fall apart against Tourguide, rai-oh and trishula.

    Luckly in my city evebody knows that I am a ruling expert. I went to another city the other day to organize and jugde an event, suddenly a guy came I said a wrong ruling, I tried to explain it, but he didn't want to listen. That was really frustating.

    I hope things go better for you. I made a format analysis to explain why the game is so broken right know. Check it if you want.
