Monday, March 7, 2011

In the light of the fact that I have a project due tomorrow...


On a realistic note: Tomorrow I'm trading one of my Phantom Skyblasters for some pieces of a GK deck I'd trade both Skyblasters if he gave me his Royal Tributes... sigh (Then I'd build the deck lol). I'm also planning on helping a High School nooblet (I HAD NO IDEA THEY EXISTED until I met my GK friend who sucks horridly and admits it but doesn't care because he plays casually anyway which is all fine and dandy... But these kids my god)... Read more to see why I'm so annoyed at lunch.

Who here know's what Two-Pronged Attack does? MEEEE and it sucks I only used it when I first picked up this game at age like 7ish playing by Duelist Kingdom Rules to defeat my brothers Blue-Eyes. I miss Change of Heart... But these kids my god they think this card is playable... (Share the Pain is 10x better and still sucks come on now)

Who here know's that Graceful Charity has been banned (Except for that one format where Dark World became good) since the fall of the Trinity (Banning of Pot of Greed, Delinquent Duo, and Graceful Charity)? It turns out these kids don't even know there's a banlist...yet they all have internet... and copious amounts of cards... (And buy Structure Decks with rule books which contain huh guess what a semi-recent banlist) (Not as many as my collection of crap all put together but still)... None of them have anything recent oddly enough do they not see the commercials...

Who here know's that a Macro deck isn't run with crap shit like Golden Humonculus? EVERYONE except these kids...

Who here purposefully plays the banned Painful Choice and searches out 5 garbage traps? No one except these kids (I took it from him in a trade though for my binder of bans). Next time I bring cards I'm going to play for cards and take anything slightly shiny.

Well anyway one of these kids has an aspiration to get better so first I'm inviting him to my humble abode to teach him how to not suck the dick of an obese hasn't showered in 50 years covered in his own filth man in terms of card play skills.


  1. Two-Pronged Attack combo with starlight road =)

  2. i would like to help some kids to play better, but they dont seem to be interested in be better players.
    good luck with your pupil.

  3. @anon: Actually Two-Pronged Attack with 2x Yubel lol.

    @Heavy: Yeah I hate when they don't want to be better but I'm like seriously you are in High School now... If you are going to kill any hope at a social life might as well be good at it (They are all extremely awkward). They all need to learn how to build a deck and to play by official rules first. (Asking me when I play how many LP is a little sad (If it was 4000 OTK's would abound.)

  4. It's Adam... Ftks would be abound Lolz.
