Saturday, October 8, 2011

Verz Control

Yes I am actually making this deck out of cards i said were terrible and it turns out I was very wrong.

Monsters: 16
3x Verz Mandrago
3x Verz Frais
3x Verz Zahhak
3x Steelswarm Needle
2x Verz Kaitos
2x Verz Olanta

Spells: 9
2x Forbidden Lance
3x Pot of Duality
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Smashing Ground

Traps: 15
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Starlight Road
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Skill Drain

13x Rank 4 Xyz
2x Stardust Dragon

Alright explaining some odd Card Choices

Verz Mandrago: This card is how I make Xyz summons especially for Bahamut and Nightmare. It's also pretty respectable on it's own.
Verz Frais: Wall of Illusions on Crack!!! Also it's my best turn 1 play.
Verz Zahhak: 1850 beater that is normally only beat out by the things it destroys upon death.
Steelswarm Needle: Same as Zahhak except only hits Rituals, Synchros, and Fusions.
Verz Kaitos: 1750 beater that can clear out threats in exchange for it's life but this deck relies on singular hits most times so it isn't important.
Verz Olanta: This is how I deal with large monsters or walls except for Lance and Smashing Ground.
Forbidden Lance: Makes my beaters able to beat out things like Rai-Oh, powered up Venus, Utopia, and such. It also allows me to protect my Bahamut and other investments.
Smashing Ground: Helps get attacks through and deals with Xyz monsters
Skill Drain: This card doesn't stop any of my monsters except Xyz and Frais otherwise it's one-sided and makes my big beaters ever more difficult to get rid of.

I'll say this though if you like my reviews or my decks please comment and tell me you don't know how happy those comments make me.


  1. I like your deck build, seems interesting. However, I do have one question. Why aren't you running any MST or heavy storm in this deck? How do you clear your opponent's spells/traps?

  2. I don't run them because most decks don't run more than 6 Traps this format... And they'd often be dead... I have 16 monsters... half of which want to hit the grave by battle or otherwise... I'm not worried about backrow because decks that run large backrow don't often run MST and Heavy because they need the room for more useful stuff...
