Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fusion HERO Gate awesomeness

Well I was planning on giving you a Beastdown deck but eh that didn't work out very well... Unifolia is a good card but just relatively useless as it has no good targets as Beasts are heavily undermanned... If Unifolia covered Beast-Warrior and Winged Beast it'd be great. Or at least if alpacaribou protected beast monsters it'd be broken.

Onto to actual topic of Hero Fusion Gate Bubble Beat OTK/Spam Zero...

Monsters: 13
3x Elemental HERO Bubbleman
1x Elemental HERO Ocean
1x Elemental HERO Stratos
3x Elemental HERO Neos Alius
3x Destiny HERO Diamond Dude
2x Destiny HERO Doom Lord

Spells: 26
3x Miracle Fusion
2x Mask Change
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
3x E - Emergency Call
1x Reinforcement of the Army
1x A Hero Lives
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Terraforming
3x Fusion Gate
3x Upstart Goblin
2x Destiny Draw
1x Allure of Darkness

Traps: 1
Return from the Different Dimension

You may be wondering why the picture and list are different... well ya see A few years ago when PTDN was new I experimented with HERO decks... and assumed Dimension Explosion worked even when the opponent has no Banished monsters. I learned differently by looking at the rulings after being challenged about it on YVD first attempt... Years later fast forward to today... I completely forget I've tried it before so do it again and on DN somehow no one notices it... 

Now that that is out of the way here is what this deck does... First and foremost... it is Fusion Gate Heros just done in a more fun way. It runs Diamond Dude and Doom Lord for access to Destiny Draw and Allure of Darkness while simultaneously running 3x E- Call 1x ROTA 2x Terraforming 1x Stratos and 3x Upstart Goblin...

So thats 6 draw cards... and 7 searchers... Meaning turn 1 I have 34 cards left in deck having drawn 6...
When we include A Hero Lives suddenly I run 1 Stratos and 5 ways to search it... making the deck Sixth Stratos like Fifth Gadget (Every fifth drawn card would be a Gadget in a 45 card deck). Here though in a 40 card deck. Every 6 or 7th card is a Stratos. In other words 15% of the deck is Stratos... Nearly 100% chance of grabbing a Stratos opening hand 96% or so... When we include Upstart Goblin and treat it as -3 cards. suddenly we are running a 37 card deck. meaning 16% of the deck is Stratos so now we have a 100% chance of a Stratos opening hand.

Then for Fusion Gate with 3 Gate and 2 Terraforming then we include our 3 Upstarts. So 5 copies essentially. 13% of the 37 cards are Fusion Gate. so 80% chance of getting it opening hand in a 37 card deck.

So getting both Stratos and Fusion Gate opening hand is quite probable around 70% chance of opening with both.

Now you are probably wondering why I went through that information... Just because I can. Diamond Dude and Doom Lord enable draw power which means the deck is far more consistent than before as Fusion Gate doesn't need specific monsters at all. The deck retains Stratos + Monster Reborn OTK. Many Duels are won through having too many monsters in hand with Fusion Gate which actually solves the problem of being unable to play Bubbleman in most situations. Many times I've had 4 monsters in hand and summoned Stratos... ended up making The Shining, Absolute Zero and Excalibur for GG.

Mask Change is there to abuse Absolute Zero and Bubbleman... I run Ocean because he's Level 4 WATER HERO... thats all... Turn 1 Stratos though means If I draw no monsters aside from a way to get Stratos... I can grab Bubbleman and start the duel in a great position. If I draw too many monsters I can mitigate that with spam. BTW many people seem to love using Torrential against a swarmed out field while you have Fusion Gate and on field Shinings... Yum Torrential kills the Shining and Absolute Zero you lose... Makes another Shining and swings in anyway. I have yet to use the Vision Heroes but they are in there because of the Destiny Hero's... two Doom Lord can make an Adoration who can help out with the beating.

Diamond Dude even gets to use his effect in this deck with all the Normal Spells I run and how quickly I thin out monsters. The deck is still in Beta Testing but it is quite fun and I urge you to give it a go.


  1. This is quite possibly the single best deck list you have posted... this thing wrecks on DN.
    A suggestion that is probably stupid for some reason that I can't see: take out return. Too slow, and the deck still explodes without it. Plus as the only trap it seems to always get hit by a set MST.
    I replaced it with veiler for defense and another shining target, but gorz seems good too. I dunno, whatever, you know better than me.

    Also, no beastdown!?!? D:
    Please keep trying. A competitive beast deck would be most heinous

    1. Return isn't needed you can replace it with anything lol. I'll keep working on the beast deck.
