Sunday, September 25, 2011

Underworld King, Lich Lord of the Gishki

Yes I made a Gishki deck that uses Lich Lord, King of the Underworld for infinite fodder.

Monsters: 19
2x Lich Lord, King of the Underworld
3x Gishki Shadow
3x Vision Gishki
3x Gishki Abyss
2x Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands
3x Evigishki Gustkrake
1x Evigishki Soul Ogre

Spells: 14
3x Gishki Ceremonial Mirror
3x Salvage
2x Preparation of Rites
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole

Traps: 7
2x Mind Crush
1x Trap Dustshoot
2x Spiritual Water Art - Aoi
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Ceremonial Mirror Meditation (Salvage #4)

Yep It's been wrecking face all day long... Most duels are over by the time I summon Gustkrake twice... Some games though are so depressing... Crushoot and then Gustkrakes over and over again is just gay. You could also try the Deck with D.D. Designator it's pretty cash trust me just occasionally dead. Going second hurts the deck's effectiveness but that can be mitigated by some crafty plays. Still taking requests I may be building a requested on DN Reactor deck depends on how I feel... I do have to apply for my top choice college by October 1st to qualify for their top Merit Scholarship.


  1. how does lich lord work in this deck?

  2. Lich Lord says "Tributed for a Card Effect" It doesn't say where it's tributed from and Rituals aren't Costs it's a Card Effect to Tribute. So Lich Lord being level 6 is perfect for Summoning Gustkrake and then returning itself to the hand for future Ritual Summons and just to always have a card in hand for Mind Crush. Abyss and Lich Lord also make Soul Ogre.

  3. Note: Rituals can Tribute from the hand.
