Well I earlier told my friend that Banish Fish just makes too many minuses on the way to it's End Game and that every other deck was already in their End Game. So I tested my theory by building Banish Fish... I was half right... It makes a crap ton of minuses but once it gets going it can keep going for a long time... Here is the build I used... It's not quite final but I like it alot.
Monsters: 21
2x Killer Frilled Shark
3x Big Jaws
2x Shark Sucker
3x Fly-Fang
3x Wing Tortoise
3x Air Orca
2x Lost Blue Breaker
3x Deep Sea Diva
Spells: 10
2x Monster Slot
2x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Surface
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
Traps: 9
2x Fish Depth Charge
2x Oh F!sh
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Threatening Roar
1x Return from the Different Dimension
Tomorrow expect a new idea from me... Chaos F!sh (This isn't hard to do lol) just switch out 1x Fly Fang, 1x Lost Blue Breaker, 1x Big Jaws,1x Deep Sea Diva, 2x Shark Sucker for 2x Effect Veiler 1x Skull Kraken 2x D.D. Crow 1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning. In other words it's probably not as good as this lol.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
sorry about the past few days
I've let myself get swamped with school work among other things like applying for college and jobs and trying to prepare my deck for next format that I haven't been able to post recently. I'll try to have something new up tomorrow now that I've caught up on all my work.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
So Ninja's are still epic
Monsters: 19
3x Silver Ninja
3x Karakuri Ninja Sazank
3x Karakuri Ninja Kuick
2x Strike Ninja
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
3x White Ninja
1x Sangan
1x Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning
Spells: 12
1x Heavy Storm
3x Pot of Duality
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
2x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Book of Moon
Traps: 9
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Attention!!
1x Mirror Force
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
Yep I edited it for next format it seems quite fun didn't test the guides yet but they probably are fine and make it better and I also haven't tested Strike Ninja yet lol. someone test it on DN for me.
3x Silver Ninja
3x Karakuri Ninja Sazank
3x Karakuri Ninja Kuick
2x Strike Ninja
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
3x White Ninja
1x Sangan
1x Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning
Spells: 12
1x Heavy Storm
3x Pot of Duality
1x Monster Reborn
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
2x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Book of Moon
Traps: 9
1x Solemn Judgement
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
1x Attention!!
1x Mirror Force
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
Yep I edited it for next format it seems quite fun didn't test the guides yet but they probably are fine and make it better and I also haven't tested Strike Ninja yet lol. someone test it on DN for me.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Pissed at this game
Yu-Gi-Oh as a whole in the TCG is becoming to over-centralized... Tour Guide and Tengu... If those aren't in your deck you suck unless you are running one of the archetypes Konami told you to in which case Tour Guide still helps by making the deck more consistent with the free 2500 beater and a sangan for stupid pluses... or even the Leviair plus sangan for stupider pluses... Tengu is just too important to not run unless your deck can't fit 3 in...
The best deck early in the new format will be Chaosworns. Later on in the format Tour Guide + Tengu + Chaos + Dark or Light Archetype will probably take over... I think we need an Emergency Limit on Tour Guide if these rules become set in stone. And an Emergency Semi-Limit on Tengu to save the game... I'd even go as far as to say Ban Sangan as well. We desperately need the OCG Xyz rulings... If we had those we wouldn't have to deal with dumb crap like Tengu+Goblin Zombie for Hope... And then get Solemn Warninged and suddenly have the pieces for an OTK.
I'm tired of DN because without the new banlists I can't really test anything useful. Also due to Tour Guide and Tengu's existance I can't build a deck that at minimum doesn't use Tour Guide and it still be successful without copying someone elses idea... It's just annoying to build something like Morphtronics... and feel stupid for not running Tour Guide (Once I did it became a lot better...) I'm even thinking of putting Tour Guide into Offering Gadgets... Who doesn't like Tour Guide>Sangan>Gadget>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz 3>Gadget>Xyz Number 16>Gadget>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Number 16>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Number 39>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Roach... completely impossible btw... But also the possiblity of Tour Guide>Sangan>Rabbit>Double Summon=GG is also possible...
It's just all too much and without the new format on DN it's hard to deal with deckbuilding... because that's all that matters this format means nothing there aren't anymore majors until next format...
The best deck early in the new format will be Chaosworns. Later on in the format Tour Guide + Tengu + Chaos + Dark or Light Archetype will probably take over... I think we need an Emergency Limit on Tour Guide if these rules become set in stone. And an Emergency Semi-Limit on Tengu to save the game... I'd even go as far as to say Ban Sangan as well. We desperately need the OCG Xyz rulings... If we had those we wouldn't have to deal with dumb crap like Tengu+Goblin Zombie for Hope... And then get Solemn Warninged and suddenly have the pieces for an OTK.
I'm tired of DN because without the new banlists I can't really test anything useful. Also due to Tour Guide and Tengu's existance I can't build a deck that at minimum doesn't use Tour Guide and it still be successful without copying someone elses idea... It's just annoying to build something like Morphtronics... and feel stupid for not running Tour Guide (Once I did it became a lot better...) I'm even thinking of putting Tour Guide into Offering Gadgets... Who doesn't like Tour Guide>Sangan>Gadget>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz 3>Gadget>Xyz Number 16>Gadget>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Number 16>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Number 39>Gadget>Gadget>Xyz Roach... completely impossible btw... But also the possiblity of Tour Guide>Sangan>Rabbit>Double Summon=GG is also possible...
It's just all too much and without the new format on DN it's hard to deal with deckbuilding... because that's all that matters this format means nothing there aren't anymore majors until next format...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Play by Play of Situational First Win...
You wouldn't notice it if I just updated the post so I'm going to make a new one for simplicities sake. I'll try to tell you every move made on the video and occasionally what was said.
Turn 1 was with me:
Hand: Hate Crevasse, Mirror Force, Goblindbergh, Curse of the Circle, Regretful Complaint, Darkworld Shackles. "Wow bad hand" was what I said.
I set Curse of the Circle and Regretful Complaint and then ended my turn.
Turn 2:
He set 1 S/T card and activated Reinforcement of the Army and searched his deck for Hero Kids. He activated The A. Forces and set 1 more S/T. He then summoned Goblindbergh and special summoned Hero Kids along with 2 more from his deck in defense mode as well. He then ended his turn.
Turn 3:
I drew Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness, Set Mirror Force and activated the Shackles on his Goblindbergh. I ended my turn there. yes he had like 1000 rating.
Turn 4: He discards Level Warrior to summon Quickdraw Synchron. I activate Curse of the Circle to stop the possible Synchro Summon. He activates Dark Bribe in response and I get to draw a card which was Hedge Guard. He waits for me to do something else I assume "Well I can't do anything else to it". He checks his Extra deck and some how doesn't go for the synchro summon. He switches two Hero Kids to attack position along with his attack position Quickdraw and attacks me with Hero Kids. I activated Mirror Force during the Battle Step.
Turn 5:
I draw into Shadow Lizard (Kagetokage). I Normal Summoned Goblindbergh and chained to it's activation Shadow Lizard. And then special summoned Hedge Guard in Def and the Shadow Lizard. At that point the song "Voice" by Cloud (First Opening of Duelist Kingdom) ended and "Believe in Nexus" by Maasaki Endou started playing as I Xyz'ed for Kachi Kochi Dragon and he Bottomless Trap Holed it. (These songs are on the video I guess i'll to to upload it to youtube it's only like 80 MB lol.). I set Hate Crevasse and ended my turn.
Turn 6:
He takes another 500 from Darkworld Shackles down to 7000 and set 1 monster.
Turn 7:
He somehow didn't take the damage this time. I normal summoned Gogogo Golem and attacked Hero Kids.
Turn 8:
He drew and played his last card in hand Swords of Revealing Light. and passed. and took the damage for next turn but not the last.
Turn 9:
I drew Crashbug Road set it and passed. I was arguing that 3 turns had passed so he should be at 6500. but he said he already took it and I said "ah, didn't notice"... Well thanks to that the win was a bit more epic.
Turn 10:
My opponent drew a card and set it.
Turn 11:
He took 500 from Darkworld Shackles. I drew Four-Starred Ladybug of Doom and set it and ended.
Turn 12:
He normal summoned Delta Flyer and synched for 8 with Goblindbergh for Stardust Dragon and ended his turn.
Turn 13:
I drew Submarineroid and ended my turn and swords died.
Turn 14:
He attacks Hedge Guard with Stardust Dragon. I top deck Mystical Space Typhoon and set it. I normal summon Submarineroid and attack directly and switch it to defense mode. Main Phase 2 Believe in Nexus ends as I say "Overlay" and Mihimaru GT's "Masterpiece" (Zexal Opening 1) plays as I synchro summon for Hope (Only in the video did that happen though the timing was accidental).
Turn 15:
He draws and ends.
Turn 16:
I draw Monster Slot. and have Hope attack his face-down which was a Spirit Reaper. I end
Turn 17:
My opponent sets 1 and ends.
Turn 18:
I activate MST on my Draw Phase (and draw Magic Cylinder) due to this being a duel of bad cards lol. I hit Reinforce Truth which he uses to summon Attack Gainer from his deck. I attack over Attack Gainer with Hope and he Activates Spirit Force and adds the Attack Gainer to his hand. I set the Magic Cylinder and end my turn.
Turn 19:
He Normal Summons Attack Gainer and Special Summons Boost Warrior. He syncs for Formula Synchron. He draws sets 1 S/T and then Attacks my set Four-Starred Ladybug. I activate Magic Cylinder.and he takes 2500... All damage in this game mattered.
Turn 20:
I drew Radiant Mirror Force... "End of Main Phase 1" I declared to give him a chance to synch for 10 I entered the Battle Phase and then entered the main phase 2 and set the Radiant Mirror Force and Ended.
Turn 21:
With Shooting Star Dragon's effect he got only 1 tuner and normal summoned D.D. Assailant. He attacked Hope with Assailant and I negated the Attack with Moon Barrier (Hope's effect). He decided not to attack with Shooting due to my huge backrow.
Final Turn 22:
I draw Goblin Hole-Filling Crew and flipped Four-Starred Ladybug of Doom. He negated it's effect with Shooting Star Dragon... Due to his Shooting Star Dragon destroying my Ladybug I was legally allowed to activate Hate Crevasse. Targetting Shooting Star Dragon for 3300 Damage for Game.
So after a long duel I finally emerged victorious with Situational for the first time.
Turn 1 was with me:
Hand: Hate Crevasse, Mirror Force, Goblindbergh, Curse of the Circle, Regretful Complaint, Darkworld Shackles. "Wow bad hand" was what I said.
I set Curse of the Circle and Regretful Complaint and then ended my turn.
Turn 2:
He set 1 S/T card and activated Reinforcement of the Army and searched his deck for Hero Kids. He activated The A. Forces and set 1 more S/T. He then summoned Goblindbergh and special summoned Hero Kids along with 2 more from his deck in defense mode as well. He then ended his turn.
Turn 3:
I drew Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness, Set Mirror Force and activated the Shackles on his Goblindbergh. I ended my turn there. yes he had like 1000 rating.
Turn 4: He discards Level Warrior to summon Quickdraw Synchron. I activate Curse of the Circle to stop the possible Synchro Summon. He activates Dark Bribe in response and I get to draw a card which was Hedge Guard. He waits for me to do something else I assume "Well I can't do anything else to it". He checks his Extra deck and some how doesn't go for the synchro summon. He switches two Hero Kids to attack position along with his attack position Quickdraw and attacks me with Hero Kids. I activated Mirror Force during the Battle Step.
Turn 5:
I draw into Shadow Lizard (Kagetokage). I Normal Summoned Goblindbergh and chained to it's activation Shadow Lizard. And then special summoned Hedge Guard in Def and the Shadow Lizard. At that point the song "Voice" by Cloud (First Opening of Duelist Kingdom) ended and "Believe in Nexus" by Maasaki Endou started playing as I Xyz'ed for Kachi Kochi Dragon and he Bottomless Trap Holed it. (These songs are on the video I guess i'll to to upload it to youtube it's only like 80 MB lol.). I set Hate Crevasse and ended my turn.
Turn 6:
He takes another 500 from Darkworld Shackles down to 7000 and set 1 monster.
Turn 7:
He somehow didn't take the damage this time. I normal summoned Gogogo Golem and attacked Hero Kids.
Turn 8:
He drew and played his last card in hand Swords of Revealing Light. and passed. and took the damage for next turn but not the last.
Turn 9:
I drew Crashbug Road set it and passed. I was arguing that 3 turns had passed so he should be at 6500. but he said he already took it and I said "ah, didn't notice"... Well thanks to that the win was a bit more epic.
Turn 10:
My opponent drew a card and set it.
Turn 11:
He took 500 from Darkworld Shackles. I drew Four-Starred Ladybug of Doom and set it and ended.
Turn 12:
He normal summoned Delta Flyer and synched for 8 with Goblindbergh for Stardust Dragon and ended his turn.
Turn 13:
I drew Submarineroid and ended my turn and swords died.
Turn 14:
He attacks Hedge Guard with Stardust Dragon. I top deck Mystical Space Typhoon and set it. I normal summon Submarineroid and attack directly and switch it to defense mode. Main Phase 2 Believe in Nexus ends as I say "Overlay" and Mihimaru GT's "Masterpiece" (Zexal Opening 1) plays as I synchro summon for Hope (Only in the video did that happen though the timing was accidental).
Turn 15:
He draws and ends.
Turn 16:
I draw Monster Slot. and have Hope attack his face-down which was a Spirit Reaper. I end
Turn 17:
My opponent sets 1 and ends.
Turn 18:
I activate MST on my Draw Phase (and draw Magic Cylinder) due to this being a duel of bad cards lol. I hit Reinforce Truth which he uses to summon Attack Gainer from his deck. I attack over Attack Gainer with Hope and he Activates Spirit Force and adds the Attack Gainer to his hand. I set the Magic Cylinder and end my turn.
Turn 19:
He Normal Summons Attack Gainer and Special Summons Boost Warrior. He syncs for Formula Synchron. He draws sets 1 S/T and then Attacks my set Four-Starred Ladybug. I activate Magic Cylinder.and he takes 2500... All damage in this game mattered.
Turn 20:
I drew Radiant Mirror Force... "End of Main Phase 1" I declared to give him a chance to synch for 10 I entered the Battle Phase and then entered the main phase 2 and set the Radiant Mirror Force and Ended.
Turn 21:
With Shooting Star Dragon's effect he got only 1 tuner and normal summoned D.D. Assailant. He attacked Hope with Assailant and I negated the Attack with Moon Barrier (Hope's effect). He decided not to attack with Shooting due to my huge backrow.
Final Turn 22:
I draw Goblin Hole-Filling Crew and flipped Four-Starred Ladybug of Doom. He negated it's effect with Shooting Star Dragon... Due to his Shooting Star Dragon destroying my Ladybug I was legally allowed to activate Hate Crevasse. Targetting Shooting Star Dragon for 3300 Damage for Game.
So after a long duel I finally emerged victorious with Situational for the first time.
Situational First Win!!
Alright you all remember my situational deck... well since Photon Shockwave it has been updated quite a bit. here's the video showing it's first win. I think more pro's on DN should do this in unrated... Sigh the video's never finish uploading so ah well... Tomorrow afternoon I'll just have to do a play by play... which are so not epic... I mean honestly the video stopped uploading according to the browser but never stopped uploading... I try to bring you all something cool to watch and this gayness has to happen... I don't do youtube videos because those also take forever to upload... I could honestly make a torrent for the entire Maria-Sama Ga Miteru series that will finish downloading by the time this finishes uploading which it probably won't...
Monday, August 22, 2011
Alright so you know my old Nostalgia posts... Well this is a bit more fun and a bit less useful lol. You know about Diamond Dude Turbo right... Well imagine a Diamond Dude Turbo that summons Dark Magician and Dark Magician Knight for free lol it's a fun deck it just beat a Gusto deck with a beast comeback... The duel ended with him having a set monster and a set trap... I had gig-anto, Dark Magician, 2x Diamond Dude and had just gotten Knight's Title from last turns Diamond Dude.. this was after activating Mind Crush on his draw declaring Dark Hole... he showed me his hand it was a level 5 and a book of moon... I was like GG lol.
On to the deck
Monsters: 11
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
3x Diamond Dude
2x Dark Magician
2x Dark Magician Knight
1x Sangan
Spells: 19
2x Lightning Vortex
2x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Magical Mallet
2x Dark Magic Attack
2x Knights Title
2x Curtain of Dark Magic
1x Destiny Draw
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Reinforcement of the Army
Traps: 10 (Yep I got tired of getting destroyed and surprisingly I still hit a ton of spells with Diamond Dude)
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Dust Tornado
1x Mirror Force
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Mind Crush (Game ender)
Extra: 15
A bunch of Rank 3-4 Xyz and 3 Number 11: Big Eye lol coulda summoned him and won with that too lol.
Tell me what you think and how to improve it without changing the premise too much...
On to the deck
Monsters: 11
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
3x Diamond Dude
2x Dark Magician
2x Dark Magician Knight
1x Sangan
Spells: 19
2x Lightning Vortex
2x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Magical Mallet
2x Dark Magic Attack
2x Knights Title
2x Curtain of Dark Magic
1x Destiny Draw
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Reinforcement of the Army
Traps: 10 (Yep I got tired of getting destroyed and surprisingly I still hit a ton of spells with Diamond Dude)
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Dust Tornado
1x Mirror Force
1x Trap Dustshoot
1x Mind Crush (Game ender)
Extra: 15
A bunch of Rank 3-4 Xyz and 3 Number 11: Big Eye lol coulda summoned him and won with that too lol.
Tell me what you think and how to improve it without changing the premise too much...
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sept 1, My new deck.
Monsters: 22
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Effect Veiler
2x Summoner Monk
1x D.D. Crow
1x Sangan
1x Goblindburgh
1x Milla, The Temporal Magician
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Dandylion
1x Glow-up Bulb
2x Chaos Sorcerer
Spells: 13
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Scapegoat
1x One for One
1x Book of Moon
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 6
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Starlight Road
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
Its 41 right now but until i see what the meta looks like it's fine
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Effect Veiler
2x Summoner Monk
1x D.D. Crow
1x Sangan
1x Goblindburgh
1x Milla, The Temporal Magician
2x Caius the Shadow Monarch
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
2x Cyber Dragon
1x Dandylion
1x Glow-up Bulb
2x Chaos Sorcerer
Spells: 13
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Scapegoat
1x One for One
1x Book of Moon
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 6
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Starlight Road
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
Its 41 right now but until i see what the meta looks like it's fine
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
CTRG Chaos Tengu Rabbit Guide
Alright this is in anticipation of the new format assuming nothing happens to the TCG Exclusives.
Monsters: 22
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
3x Rescue Rabbit
3x Elemental Hero Sparkman
3x Atlantean Pikeman
3x Bio-Mage
3x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Miracle Fusion
2x Double Summon (Tour Guide>Sangan>Rescue Rabbit... Amazing)
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Symbols of Duty
Traps: 5
2x Starlight Road
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
Extra: 15
1 of each Omni-Hero except Nova Master
2x Leviair, Space Sea Dragon
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Gig-Anto the Brillant
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Number 16: Ruler of Color, Shock Ruler
1x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Surprisingly this deck is epic I'm trying to streamline it a bit.
Monsters: 22
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
3x Rescue Rabbit
3x Elemental Hero Sparkman
3x Atlantean Pikeman
3x Bio-Mage
3x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
3x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Heavy Storm
1x Monster Reborn
1x Dark Hole
2x Miracle Fusion
2x Double Summon (Tour Guide>Sangan>Rescue Rabbit... Amazing)
1x Pot of Avarice
2x Symbols of Duty
Traps: 5
2x Starlight Road
2x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
Extra: 15
1 of each Omni-Hero except Nova Master
2x Leviair, Space Sea Dragon
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Gig-Anto the Brillant
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Number 16: Ruler of Color, Shock Ruler
1x Kachi-Kochi Dragon
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
Surprisingly this deck is epic I'm trying to streamline it a bit.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
What seems to be the new OCG Banlist... I like it
Alright so it seems to be confirmed...
Fishborg Blaster
Mind Master
Royal Oppression
Giant Trunade
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Debris Dragon
Lonefire Blossom
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Formula Synchron
Heavy Storm
Primal Seed
Shien's Smoke Signal
Pot of Avarice
Summoner Monk
Necro Gardna
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Destiny Draw
Swords of Revealing Light
Mind Crush
Call of the Haunted
Judgment Dragon
Spirit Reaper
Overload Fusion
Mystical Space Typhoon
Gravity Bind
Icarus Attack
If this list is true GREAT!!! I like when Konami does something screwy like this it makes deckbuilding more interesting for me. I have a few comments
Fishborg: Needed the hit
Mind Master: Needed the hit
Royal Oppression: Time to bust out the big guns
Giant Trunade: Meh got back Heavy and 1 more MST
BLS-EOTB: Trading for one from my friend now for a Power Tool... Building a new deck...
Debris Dragon: Necessary IMO
Lonefire: Necessary
Shi En: Now you have hope once Sams swarm on you
T.G. Hyper Librarian: too good to even be at 1
Formula Synchron: Necessary it's just too good
Heavy Storm: Finally
Primal Seed: I don't know the loop nor does this affect anything
Shien's Smoke Signal: Sams are now 3 times less consistent I don't think they'll win anymore.
Pot of Avarice: This was also necessary it's just Pot Of Greed that makes you better.
Summoner Monk: Konami want's XYZ to succeed and this makes my new idea cheating
Tragoedia: Meh I don't care
Necro Gardna: LS got a huge boost with this lol
Dewloren: Yeah along with Fishborg... Fish FTK is dead
Destiny Draw: Meh Destiny Hero's aren't doing much even with this
Swords of Revealing Light: Stall... so much Stall
Mind Crush: Finally my dream has come true...
Call of the Haunted: Idea got better...
Judgment Dragon: LS got another huge boost
Spirit Reaper: Zombie Xyz got a huge boost
Overload Fusion: It's still not helpful to Chimeratech...
MST: YES Greatness Greatness Greatness
Megamorph: Meh
Gravity Bind: XYZ!!!
Icarus Attack: Meh it's cool I guess
So yeah that's what's up
Fishborg Blaster
Mind Master
Royal Oppression
Giant Trunade
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Debris Dragon
Lonefire Blossom
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Formula Synchron
Heavy Storm
Primal Seed
Shien's Smoke Signal
Pot of Avarice
Summoner Monk
Necro Gardna
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Destiny Draw
Swords of Revealing Light
Mind Crush
Call of the Haunted
Judgment Dragon
Spirit Reaper
Overload Fusion
Mystical Space Typhoon
Gravity Bind
Icarus Attack
If this list is true GREAT!!! I like when Konami does something screwy like this it makes deckbuilding more interesting for me. I have a few comments
Fishborg: Needed the hit
Mind Master: Needed the hit
Royal Oppression: Time to bust out the big guns
Giant Trunade: Meh got back Heavy and 1 more MST
BLS-EOTB: Trading for one from my friend now for a Power Tool... Building a new deck...
Debris Dragon: Necessary IMO
Lonefire: Necessary
Shi En: Now you have hope once Sams swarm on you
T.G. Hyper Librarian: too good to even be at 1
Formula Synchron: Necessary it's just too good
Heavy Storm: Finally
Primal Seed: I don't know the loop nor does this affect anything
Shien's Smoke Signal: Sams are now 3 times less consistent I don't think they'll win anymore.
Pot of Avarice: This was also necessary it's just Pot Of Greed that makes you better.
Summoner Monk: Konami want's XYZ to succeed and this makes my new idea cheating
Tragoedia: Meh I don't care
Necro Gardna: LS got a huge boost with this lol
Dewloren: Yeah along with Fishborg... Fish FTK is dead
Destiny Draw: Meh Destiny Hero's aren't doing much even with this
Swords of Revealing Light: Stall... so much Stall
Mind Crush: Finally my dream has come true...
Call of the Haunted: Idea got better...
Judgment Dragon: LS got another huge boost
Spirit Reaper: Zombie Xyz got a huge boost
Overload Fusion: It's still not helpful to Chimeratech...
MST: YES Greatness Greatness Greatness
Megamorph: Meh
Gravity Bind: XYZ!!!
Icarus Attack: Meh it's cool I guess
So yeah that's what's up
Monday, August 15, 2011
My new deck...
Lack of Tour Guides hurts a crap ton now that I truly know firsthand how good tour guide is...
So I created a new version with a different purpose and more fun cards.
Monsters: 19
3x Breaker the Magical Warrior
3x Reborn Tengu
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Spore
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Dandylion
2x Debris Dragon
2x Effect Veiler
1x Mira, The Eternal Magician (Forgot the TCG name)
1x Celtic Guardian
2x Goblindbergh
Spells: 11
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Foolish Burial
2x Smashing Ground
1x One for One
Traps: 10
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Royal Oppression
1x Mirror Force
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Dimensional Prison
Extra: 15
2x Number 39: Utopia
1x Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
2x Formula Synchron
1x Armory Arm
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2x Black Rose Dragon
1x Arcanite Magician
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Mist Wurm
1x Shooting Star Dragon
Alright I expect some critique but remember I have a small budget.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
My new deck VS Anti-Heal (InvincibleJ95 from DN's build)
I don't remember all the specifics of the near hour long duel but here are some highlights I remember.
I had just survived through Gift Card and 3 Upstart Goblins and 700 damage somehow... I draw... he Simochi>Gift Card... I top decked Mystical Space Typhoon and gained 3000 lol.
Later he still has Oppression and I top deck Breaker the Magical Warrior after making him use Bottomless on Tengu... Breaker gets rid of the Oppression and I use Tengu, Breaker, and glow-up for Mist Wurm to set him back a turn. He resets until he has 5 spots filled on backrow... I normal my Debris and get Dandy and nuke the field... we are both now top decking... I Foolish Burial for Dandy tokens and summon my in hand spore... sync for formula and then librarian by RFGing a lonefire... Arcanite Magician destroys his Level Limit Area B- and Gravity Bind. I get Simochi Carded again... and have 300 left... I draw and end... he sets a card and ends... I top deck Pot of Avarice and he activates Path of Destiny... I get Heads and he gets Tails i'm like yes the game wants me to win lol. I pot of avarice back 1 Breaker, Mist Wurm, 2 Formula Synchron, Black Rose Dragon. I draw Breaker and something else with Goblindberg in hand. I summon Breaker and swing for 1900 (He's finally under 8000)... He gets nothing I summon another Breaker and hit for 3800... He finally draws Morphing Jar but I re-read Arcanite Magician... Take Breakers Counter and destroy the set Jar... Swing for exactly 1600 for exactly game. (And yes I summoned Celtic Guardian this duel like every duel).
Was the longest and most epic duel against burn ever recorded on DN lol too bad I didn't record it but I remembered some of the highlights of the duel. All in all l gained 6000 Life Points thanks to him drawing badly.
My decklist isn't final yet so I won't post it...
I had just survived through Gift Card and 3 Upstart Goblins and 700 damage somehow... I draw... he Simochi>Gift Card... I top decked Mystical Space Typhoon and gained 3000 lol.
Later he still has Oppression and I top deck Breaker the Magical Warrior after making him use Bottomless on Tengu... Breaker gets rid of the Oppression and I use Tengu, Breaker, and glow-up for Mist Wurm to set him back a turn. He resets until he has 5 spots filled on backrow... I normal my Debris and get Dandy and nuke the field... we are both now top decking... I Foolish Burial for Dandy tokens and summon my in hand spore... sync for formula and then librarian by RFGing a lonefire... Arcanite Magician destroys his Level Limit Area B- and Gravity Bind. I get Simochi Carded again... and have 300 left... I draw and end... he sets a card and ends... I top deck Pot of Avarice and he activates Path of Destiny... I get Heads and he gets Tails i'm like yes the game wants me to win lol. I pot of avarice back 1 Breaker, Mist Wurm, 2 Formula Synchron, Black Rose Dragon. I draw Breaker and something else with Goblindberg in hand. I summon Breaker and swing for 1900 (He's finally under 8000)... He gets nothing I summon another Breaker and hit for 3800... He finally draws Morphing Jar but I re-read Arcanite Magician... Take Breakers Counter and destroy the set Jar... Swing for exactly 1600 for exactly game. (And yes I summoned Celtic Guardian this duel like every duel).
Was the longest and most epic duel against burn ever recorded on DN lol too bad I didn't record it but I remembered some of the highlights of the duel. All in all l gained 6000 Life Points thanks to him drawing badly.
My decklist isn't final yet so I won't post it...
Friday, August 12, 2011
Been Playing around with Xyz on DN
So I'm built Xyz Zombies and it's broken beyond belief with the TCG rules... Goblin Zombie and Tengu... Tour Guide and Sangan in the same deck... Blue-Blooded Oni also triggers Tengu and Goblin Zombie and Sangan... Zombie Master set's up game ending plays... 1 Pain Painter and 1 Plaguespreader for the occasional Synchro Spam.
I also built Offering Gadgets... and it's too easy... That Shock Ruler play everyone is talking about is so good... I summoned 2 and my opponent quit...
I also built Offering Gadgets... and it's too easy... That Shock Ruler play everyone is talking about is so good... I summoned 2 and my opponent quit...
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Ever Wondered What ESP Feels Like?
I've been thinking about something lately during my duels... something really important. That something is a TIME MACHINE!!! Yes I, the Mad Scientist Hyououin Kyouma have developed a Time Machine! Okay enough with the Stein's:Gate jokes El Psy Congroo...
What I've really been thinking about is something a lot of pro's do that are rare to notice when reading a standard Duel Report due to most of it being mental. That something is Reading... Have you heard the term "A Good Read" in a YGO context? Well first and foremost that term means: A Player has seen all the most common or even uncommon possibilities another Player has as an option be it on the field, in hand, or in grave... in some cases in deck.
What can we do with such a thing? Well obviously you can make better plays when you know your opponent's field and hand. Here's a semi-common situation where a good read is necessary...: It's Late-Game and you have a MST, Spirit Reaper on the field and a set Mind Crush... Your opponent has 2 cards set as backrow and 2 cards in hand... You look at your opponents grave and see, Both Solemn Warning and 1 Effect Veiler and 1 Royal Oppression. You know he hasn't used Solemn Judgment, Mirror Force and assume he runs more than 1 Effect Veiler... There is only 1 good play... and 3 Bad ones but if you don't attempt the educated guess or "read" you will rarely make the good play. First off you know he has 1 Veiler left and this late in the game it's quite likely he has drawn it by now. You also know that he could possibly have by now drawn both Solemn Judgment and Mirror Force. But assuming those are the set's is what would make your Read suddenly useless... Next you want to think of when those cards were set... If the Right one was set last turn and he let the Spirit Reaper through there's a bigger chance that it wasn't a Mirror Force... But that means it could be Solemn Judgment... meaning according to your first thought the other set must be Mirror Force or a similar card now that he no longer has summon negation aside from Solemn Judgment. The correct answer doesn't win you the game but makes everything from now on safe. The answer is: MST the Right One which would be the Mirror Force esque card as no one would let you Spirit Reaper them late game if it was the only attacker when their last defense is in hand. Then you enter the Battle Phase if they Effect Veiler you at the End of the Main Phase then that card is something important. If they don't Effect Veiler then you now have a chance to hit said card.
As you can see in that horrible example you knew about his 2 sets based on when they were set and what has already been used. The in hand card was useless as you figured or else with Spirit Reaper on the field he would have played it just in case. So you knew only 1 card in hand could be a threat and that would have to be Effect Veiler.
The Main Purpose in using this is in cards like Mind Crush or in insuring you have the upper hand and free reign to play around everything your opponent has.
Anyway, I'm going to explore this more as I know the best players often think like this but I didn't originally think of it being so useful until now.
What I've really been thinking about is something a lot of pro's do that are rare to notice when reading a standard Duel Report due to most of it being mental. That something is Reading... Have you heard the term "A Good Read" in a YGO context? Well first and foremost that term means: A Player has seen all the most common or even uncommon possibilities another Player has as an option be it on the field, in hand, or in grave... in some cases in deck.
What can we do with such a thing? Well obviously you can make better plays when you know your opponent's field and hand. Here's a semi-common situation where a good read is necessary...: It's Late-Game and you have a MST, Spirit Reaper on the field and a set Mind Crush... Your opponent has 2 cards set as backrow and 2 cards in hand... You look at your opponents grave and see, Both Solemn Warning and 1 Effect Veiler and 1 Royal Oppression. You know he hasn't used Solemn Judgment, Mirror Force and assume he runs more than 1 Effect Veiler... There is only 1 good play... and 3 Bad ones but if you don't attempt the educated guess or "read" you will rarely make the good play. First off you know he has 1 Veiler left and this late in the game it's quite likely he has drawn it by now. You also know that he could possibly have by now drawn both Solemn Judgment and Mirror Force. But assuming those are the set's is what would make your Read suddenly useless... Next you want to think of when those cards were set... If the Right one was set last turn and he let the Spirit Reaper through there's a bigger chance that it wasn't a Mirror Force... But that means it could be Solemn Judgment... meaning according to your first thought the other set must be Mirror Force or a similar card now that he no longer has summon negation aside from Solemn Judgment. The correct answer doesn't win you the game but makes everything from now on safe. The answer is: MST the Right One which would be the Mirror Force esque card as no one would let you Spirit Reaper them late game if it was the only attacker when their last defense is in hand. Then you enter the Battle Phase if they Effect Veiler you at the End of the Main Phase then that card is something important. If they don't Effect Veiler then you now have a chance to hit said card.
As you can see in that horrible example you knew about his 2 sets based on when they were set and what has already been used. The in hand card was useless as you figured or else with Spirit Reaper on the field he would have played it just in case. So you knew only 1 card in hand could be a threat and that would have to be Effect Veiler.
The Main Purpose in using this is in cards like Mind Crush or in insuring you have the upper hand and free reign to play around everything your opponent has.
Anyway, I'm going to explore this more as I know the best players often think like this but I didn't originally think of it being so useful until now.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Begone Knave!

Hello Fans and Followers,
I'm back with a few new tricks up my sleeve to discus a versatile and quite frightening deck of my own design. As the title implies this deck revolves around Begone Knave for advantage gain, board control as well as some high damage combos. First lets talk about the centerpiece of the deck in Begone Knave.
The beauty of begone knave is it's veiled versatility. Its Compulsory Evacuation Devise for any damage. It allows you to survive a Shooting Quasar attack at full life and with the effect being mandatory it even allows for offensive use. Is a fully loaded Gantestu in your way? Summon a monster with lower attack and swing freely. The residual damage will instantly bounce Gantestu for a free shot and minimal damage on your end.
This card also wrecks Glads, forbidding a non Test Tiger tag. Without further a-do here's the build V1.
Monsters 22
Tengu 3x
Tourguide 3x
Rescue Rabbit 3x
Gene Warped 3x
Andal 3x
Breaker 3x
Sangan 1x
Dark King of the Abyss 2x
Temporal Machine God Metaion 1x
Spells 7
Monster Reborn1x
Dark Hole1x
Pot of Avarice 2x
Wiseman's Chalice1x
Traps 11
Mirror Force1x
Torrential Tribute1x
Begone, Knave! 3x
Horn of the Phantom Beast 2x
Bottomless Trap Hole 2x
Common Charity 2x
This is V1 and the first in a series of continuous trap card based deck I'm starting. Any thoughts or opinions?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Low Monster Count Tengu Synchro
So I decided to challenge myself and a friend to build a Less than 19 monster Tengu Synchro deck using any cards avaliable on DN...
I built this
Monsters: 17
3x Reborn Tengu
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Dandylion
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Spore
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Sangan
2x Effect Veiler
2x Debris Dragon
1x Maxx "C"
Spells: 12
3x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x One for One
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 11
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Attention!
I don't have his build but it was interesting...
I built this
Monsters: 17
3x Reborn Tengu
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Dandylion
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Spore
3x Tour Guide of the Underworld
1x Sangan
2x Effect Veiler
2x Debris Dragon
1x Maxx "C"
Spells: 12
3x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Giant Trunade
1x One for One
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
Traps: 11
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
2x Fiendish Chain
1x Call of the Haunted
2x Dimensional Prison
1x Attention!
I don't have his build but it was interesting...
Sorry I haven't done anything lately
I just got back in school for my Senior year and have a lot to get done. I'll probably have a really really good post once DN gets Xyz later this week it seems. I may occasionally put up a random decklist here and there. After friday though I should be back to regular blogging. Oh and who wants to know what I occasionally do as a hobby? I write science-fiction stories most of which are romance based. I started one a few months ago but after a couple data setbacks I took a break. I'm starting to write again like 1 page a week as a slow start until I get to the part I really want to write... I used to write like 3000 words a week in my older books during school hours... but now I have to: Get my Driving License, Keep up with this blog, go to FNM, get ready for AWA along with my souseiseki cosplay, build and test decks on DN for said blog. Tomorrow expect an indepth review on "Attention!" as I test it's usefulness main decked on DN over Solemn Warning (As I don't own Warning but I own "Attention!" ("Regulation Training" is called "Attention!" in TCG)).
I'll still do Deck Requests that never stopped and once Ernest gets his computer working again he'll probably also start doing Deck Requests again and possibly some reviews.
I'll still do Deck Requests that never stopped and once Ernest gets his computer working again he'll probably also start doing Deck Requests again and possibly some reviews.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Generation Force Sneak Preview...
I went to the sneak and this time we couldn't enter twice because the owner noticed that he could get in trouble for entering us twice... So I pull crap and a Space Time Police... No one wanted it... My friend pulls Aero Shark and Leviair... Then buys a HA:SE and gets Naturia Beast and Phalanx... So I'm pretty salty about that... I might not be playing YGO IRL too much anymore... I misplayed against X-Sabers and lost the free win because I forgot about X-Saber Faultroll for a second... So I didn't compulse his Passhul... So I couldn't stop the Faultroll play and other gayness...
I'm completely unhappy with this turn of events... So I'm out 20 dollars... didn't get a mat... Got nothing good... Sold Vanadis and Odin for 30 and bought food and a M12 Intro Pack to get some lands lol... Bought 3 Duelist Pack Crow and just got... Armed Wing and Jetsream...
I'm completely unhappy with this turn of events... So I'm out 20 dollars... didn't get a mat... Got nothing good... Sold Vanadis and Odin for 30 and bought food and a M12 Intro Pack to get some lands lol... Bought 3 Duelist Pack Crow and just got... Armed Wing and Jetsream...
Friday, August 5, 2011
Batteries are fun
Monsters: 19
3x Batteryman Micro-Cell
2x Batteryman Fuel Cell
3x Batteryman Charger
1x Batteryman Industrial Strength
3x Batteryman AAA
2x Batteryman D
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
1x Honest
1x Marshmallon
Spells: 10
2x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Photon Lead
1x Short Circuit
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
Traps: 11
2x Photonize
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
Thats the deck
3x Batteryman Micro-Cell
2x Batteryman Fuel Cell
3x Batteryman Charger
1x Batteryman Industrial Strength
3x Batteryman AAA
2x Batteryman D
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
1x Honest
1x Marshmallon
Spells: 10
2x Pot of Duality
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Photon Lead
1x Short Circuit
1x Book of Moon
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
Traps: 11
2x Photonize
2x Fiendish Chain
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
Thats the deck
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Since everyone is doing it (Ban List Hopes)
My Banlist Hopes for September...
Monster Reborn (Was originally on the list but it wasn't a realistic ban)
Dark Hole (Same as above so I didn't put it)
Fishborg Blaster
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Heavy Storm
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Debris Dragon
Dark Magician of Chaos
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Destiny Draw
Skill Drain
Black Whirlwind
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Judgment
Reborn Tengu (Wasn't on list earlier because it's highly doubt-able they'll do another Emergency Ban)
Destiny Hero - Malicious
Bottomless Trap Hole
There is a lot to explain about this list...
Monster Reborn (Was originally on the list but it wasn't a realistic ban)
Dark Hole (Same as above so I didn't put it)
Fishborg Blaster
T.G. Hyper Librarian
Heavy Storm
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier
Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Debris Dragon
Dark Magician of Chaos
Blackwing - Gale the Whirlwind
Destiny Draw
Skill Drain
Black Whirlwind
Torrential Tribute
Solemn Judgment
Reborn Tengu (Wasn't on list earlier because it's highly doubt-able they'll do another Emergency Ban)
Destiny Hero - Malicious
Bottomless Trap Hole
There is a lot to explain about this list...
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Begone Knave.dek
So yeah this is a Begone Knave deck I and Ernest have worked on. Expect a review from him about the card at some point if his computer ever gets back to working.
Monsters: 14
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x T.G. Rush Rhino
2x T.G. Warwolf
2x T.G. Striker
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
Spells: 13
2x Kaiser Colosseum
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Smashing Ground (To deal with monster's that I'd rather kill off than force a bounce)
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Book of Moon
3x Pot of Duality
Traps: 13
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Mirror Force
3x Begone, Knave!
2x Horn of the Phantom Beast
1x TGX3 - DX2
2x TG1 - EM1
1x Torrential Tribute
NOTE: Begone Knave doesn't care about who's turn it is... A great use for it is to ram into synchros with a monster that gives advantage upon death like a T.G. or a Tengu. Due to your opponent's monster inflicting battle damage their monster is bounced..
NOTE: Kaiser Colosseum is in the deck due to how well it controls the field so that Begone, Knave doesn't become useless while they swing with more than my LP can afford. It's mostly a tech choice.
Monsters: 14
3x Reborn Tengu
3x Thunder King Rai-Oh
3x T.G. Rush Rhino
2x T.G. Warwolf
2x T.G. Striker
1x Gorz, The Emissary of Darkness
Spells: 13
2x Kaiser Colosseum
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
3x Smashing Ground (To deal with monster's that I'd rather kill off than force a bounce)
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Book of Moon
3x Pot of Duality
Traps: 13
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Mirror Force
3x Begone, Knave!
2x Horn of the Phantom Beast
1x TGX3 - DX2
2x TG1 - EM1
1x Torrential Tribute
NOTE: Begone Knave doesn't care about who's turn it is... A great use for it is to ram into synchros with a monster that gives advantage upon death like a T.G. or a Tengu. Due to your opponent's monster inflicting battle damage their monster is bounced..
NOTE: Kaiser Colosseum is in the deck due to how well it controls the field so that Begone, Knave doesn't become useless while they swing with more than my LP can afford. It's mostly a tech choice.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Photon Shockwave Review Final
Alright this is a placeholder post until I wake up later today. I will be doing every single Trap Card in the set with as much depth as I can think of on the spot lol. I got hooked on EVO and teaching my friend to play MVC3 (Along with getting back into that game myself (Wesker, Wolverine, Akuma is my team so far but I'm sorta sucky lol)
Regretful Complaint
Trap Card
Activate only if you take Battle Damage from an opponent's monster attacking directly. Gain control over the face-up opponent's monster with the highest DEF until your next End Phase. The monster you gained control over by this effect has its effect(s) negated and cannot attack.
Alright I really like this card. Your opponent swings directly with any monster and once you take the damage you can take the highest DEF monster until your next End Phase. This play can effectively end your opponent's Battle Phase in a good situation and in a bad one gives you a free block. I may run this as a tech in my Tengu Synchro.
Burning Fighting Spirit
Trap Card
After activation this card is treated as Equip Card and equipped to 1 face-up monster you control. If your opponent controls a monster with higher ATK than its original ATK, double the original ATK of the equipped monster during the Damage Step only.
Alrighty this card is fine but hard to use aside from as a side deck against Horn of the Phantom Beast based decks. Or even T.G. Rush Rhino. Also it works against the use of Photonize and Honest if timed correctly. OH and if someone ever summons Leviath Dragon or Zenmaister or Brilli-Ant you can punish them.
Damage Diet
Trap Card
During this turn all Damage you take is halved. Also, you can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to halve all Effect Damage you take during that turn.
This card is actually useful as a side deck against OTK's and FTK's that deal less than 16000 damage. Other than that it's mostly useless because you are better off just taking no damage thanks to Temporary Truce which is in the same set lol.
Copy Knight
Trap Card
Activate only when you successfully Normal Summon a Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster to your field. After activation, this card is treated as Normal Monster Card (Warrior-Type/LIGHT/ATK 0/DEF 0) with the same Level as that summoned monster, and Special Summoned to the Monster Card Zone. This card is also treated as Trap Card.
Instant Xyz for Warriors with absolutely next to no set-up aside from having this set beforehand lol. It's mostly useless... I'd test it on DN but it's hard to test anything without Xyz being in DN by now (It shouldn't take this long honestly... Generation Force was out in OCG before DN was around so why weren't Xyz a priority until now... And suddenly why is Match play no longer a priority...
Holy Armor - Mirror Mail -
Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up monster you control is selected as attack target. The ATK of the that monster becomes the ATK of the attacking monster.
Wow really not gonna have the monster gain 1 ATK point... so that it can beat out the other one... So basically it makes the monster crash no matter what boosts the other monster has due to the timing you can activate this card... It's nice but you are better off just murdering the opponents monster with a D.Prison or something...
Fish Rain
Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up Fish-, Sea-Serpent- or Aqua-Type monster you control is removed from play. Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Fish-, Sea-Serpent-, or Aqua-Type monster from your hand.
This card would be so much better if it didn't have that first requirement just like Evil Spawning Riverbed... If the Riverbed was just a Gleipnir that'd be great... This card should have just been a simple Seed of Deception style card in Trap Form...
Hate Crevasse
Trap Card
Activate when 1 monster you control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect and sent to the Graveyard. Select 1 monster your opponent controls and sent it to the Graveyard, and inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to that opponent monster's original ATK.
This card would be so much better if it included battle but then it'd be too good lol. But in the event you can pull this card off it's a major play but most times this card is dead...
Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack with a monster. Negate that monster's attack, and until your next End Phase, 1 face-up LIGHT Monster gains ATK equal to that opponent monster's ATK.
Card is epic it's Honest number 2-4 lol at this rate expect Honest to never go above 1 lol.

Mediation Towards Evolution
Trap Card
Activate only when a monster you control is selected as attack target. Special Summon 1 "Evoldo" Monster from your Graveyard, and change the target of the attack to that monster.
This card is pretty good considering what Evoldo's do for ya... Anyone thought about using this to revive Gephairos so you can drop a Urukanodon to swarm or a Diplodocus to pwn...
Spring Rewinding
Trap Card
Select 1 face-up Level 4 or lower "Mainspring" monster you control and return it to the hand, and Special Summon 1 "Mainspring" monster with the same Level as the returned Monster from your hand.
This is a nice card for Mainsprings it allows you to reset your Mainspring monster's effect while summoning out another one to use very nice.

Watt Cancel
Trap Card
Activate by discarding 1 "Elec" Monster from your hand. Negate the Normal Summon or Special Summon of an opponent's monster and destroy it.
Alright this card is over the top awesomeness... It's a Saber Hole that doesn't care about your having field presence so it's hard for your opponent to predict or bait out. Also with Watt King Cobra and Recycling Batteries you will always have a Watt in hand.
Ruler's Penetrating Gaze
Trap Card
Activate only if you control a face-up Level 7 or higher Normal Monster. Negate the activation of a Magic or Trap Card, OR the Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Special Summon of a monster and destroy it.
This card is epic I may just build a Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck just to use cards like this. It's a Solemn Judgment with no cost as long as you control a Level 7 or higher Normal Monster... sooo gooood.
Radiance of Darkness (Dark Flash in Wikia (Doesn't fit the Japanese at all))
Trap Card
Activate by Releasing 1 DARK Monster you control with 1500 ATK or more. Destroy all monsters Special Summoned during this turn.
SOOOO GOOOD!!! Opponent brings out dandy tokens and uses One for One and you can stop them from recouping their loss... A normal summoned Junk Synchron becomes a lone monster...
Tyrant's Desperation
Trap Card
Activate by Releasing 2 Non-Token Normal Monster you control. While this card is on the field. neither player can Normal Summon or Special Summon monster.
Alrighty this card is so fun!!! once you activate it the duel doesn't advance past the spot it's already at until someone waste's a Trunade or Typhoon on this card...
Withdrawl Command
Trap Card
Return all monster you control to their owner's hand.
Card is so funny... but I bet I can find a use for it somewhere lol... Doesn't even need a review it's so simple.
Deep Dark Trap Hole
Trap Card
Activate only when a Level 5 or higher Effect Monster(s) is successfully Special Summoned. Remove from play that Level 5 or higher Effect Monster(s).
This card helps out in Naturia decks because it freely stops anything strong enough to beat Bambooshoot and it doesn't say Destroy so it cannot be negated by Stardust or Magatama Musakani...

Trap Card
When a Non-Water Monster is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, and you control a face-up WATER Monster, that Non-WATER Monster is changed to Defense Position.
This card is pretty beast... it's a Stumbling for Water decks that only hurts your opponent. It also makes your weak Water monsters stronger.
Water-Releasing Seal Art
Trap Card
Once per turn, you can send 1 WATER Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard and remove it from play.
This card is really good... it makes every card in your hand a only your turn D.D. Crow. It's pretty awesome.
THAT WAS NUMBER 80!! Alright who wants to start a new style of play!!! I suggest that my readers try out playing a new way it's unofficial but rather fun... It's called Series... According to this format it would make every card legal in 3's from Duelist Revolution until Photon Shockwave. try it out on DN I bet you'll like it once you get a group of people to play it with. (EDIT: Had the name wrong Sealed would be Sneak Preview format)
Regretful Complaint
Trap Card
Activate only if you take Battle Damage from an opponent's monster attacking directly. Gain control over the face-up opponent's monster with the highest DEF until your next End Phase. The monster you gained control over by this effect has its effect(s) negated and cannot attack.
Alright I really like this card. Your opponent swings directly with any monster and once you take the damage you can take the highest DEF monster until your next End Phase. This play can effectively end your opponent's Battle Phase in a good situation and in a bad one gives you a free block. I may run this as a tech in my Tengu Synchro.
Burning Fighting Spirit
Trap Card
After activation this card is treated as Equip Card and equipped to 1 face-up monster you control. If your opponent controls a monster with higher ATK than its original ATK, double the original ATK of the equipped monster during the Damage Step only.
Alrighty this card is fine but hard to use aside from as a side deck against Horn of the Phantom Beast based decks. Or even T.G. Rush Rhino. Also it works against the use of Photonize and Honest if timed correctly. OH and if someone ever summons Leviath Dragon or Zenmaister or Brilli-Ant you can punish them.
Damage Diet
Trap Card
During this turn all Damage you take is halved. Also, you can remove from play this card in your Graveyard to halve all Effect Damage you take during that turn.
This card is actually useful as a side deck against OTK's and FTK's that deal less than 16000 damage. Other than that it's mostly useless because you are better off just taking no damage thanks to Temporary Truce which is in the same set lol.

Copy Knight
Trap Card
Activate only when you successfully Normal Summon a Level 4 or lower Warrior-Type monster to your field. After activation, this card is treated as Normal Monster Card (Warrior-Type/LIGHT/ATK 0/DEF 0) with the same Level as that summoned monster, and Special Summoned to the Monster Card Zone. This card is also treated as Trap Card.
Instant Xyz for Warriors with absolutely next to no set-up aside from having this set beforehand lol. It's mostly useless... I'd test it on DN but it's hard to test anything without Xyz being in DN by now (It shouldn't take this long honestly... Generation Force was out in OCG before DN was around so why weren't Xyz a priority until now... And suddenly why is Match play no longer a priority...
Holy Armor - Mirror Mail -
Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up monster you control is selected as attack target. The ATK of the that monster becomes the ATK of the attacking monster.
Wow really not gonna have the monster gain 1 ATK point... so that it can beat out the other one... So basically it makes the monster crash no matter what boosts the other monster has due to the timing you can activate this card... It's nice but you are better off just murdering the opponents monster with a D.Prison or something...

Fish Rain
Trap Card
Activate only when a face-up Fish-, Sea-Serpent- or Aqua-Type monster you control is removed from play. Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Fish-, Sea-Serpent-, or Aqua-Type monster from your hand.
This card would be so much better if it didn't have that first requirement just like Evil Spawning Riverbed... If the Riverbed was just a Gleipnir that'd be great... This card should have just been a simple Seed of Deception style card in Trap Form...
Hate Crevasse
Trap Card
Activate when 1 monster you control is destroyed by an opponent's card effect and sent to the Graveyard. Select 1 monster your opponent controls and sent it to the Graveyard, and inflict damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to that opponent monster's original ATK.
This card would be so much better if it included battle but then it'd be too good lol. But in the event you can pull this card off it's a major play but most times this card is dead...
Trap Card
Activate only when your opponent declares an attack with a monster. Negate that monster's attack, and until your next End Phase, 1 face-up LIGHT Monster gains ATK equal to that opponent monster's ATK.
Card is epic it's Honest number 2-4 lol at this rate expect Honest to never go above 1 lol.

Mediation Towards Evolution
Trap Card
Activate only when a monster you control is selected as attack target. Special Summon 1 "Evoldo" Monster from your Graveyard, and change the target of the attack to that monster.
This card is pretty good considering what Evoldo's do for ya... Anyone thought about using this to revive Gephairos so you can drop a Urukanodon to swarm or a Diplodocus to pwn...
Spring Rewinding
Trap Card
Select 1 face-up Level 4 or lower "Mainspring" monster you control and return it to the hand, and Special Summon 1 "Mainspring" monster with the same Level as the returned Monster from your hand.
This is a nice card for Mainsprings it allows you to reset your Mainspring monster's effect while summoning out another one to use very nice.

Watt Cancel
Trap Card
Activate by discarding 1 "Elec" Monster from your hand. Negate the Normal Summon or Special Summon of an opponent's monster and destroy it.
Alright this card is over the top awesomeness... It's a Saber Hole that doesn't care about your having field presence so it's hard for your opponent to predict or bait out. Also with Watt King Cobra and Recycling Batteries you will always have a Watt in hand.
Ruler's Penetrating Gaze
Trap Card
Activate only if you control a face-up Level 7 or higher Normal Monster. Negate the activation of a Magic or Trap Card, OR the Normal Summon, Flip Summon, or Special Summon of a monster and destroy it.
This card is epic I may just build a Blue-Eyes White Dragon deck just to use cards like this. It's a Solemn Judgment with no cost as long as you control a Level 7 or higher Normal Monster... sooo gooood.

Radiance of Darkness (Dark Flash in Wikia (Doesn't fit the Japanese at all))
Trap Card
Activate by Releasing 1 DARK Monster you control with 1500 ATK or more. Destroy all monsters Special Summoned during this turn.
SOOOO GOOOD!!! Opponent brings out dandy tokens and uses One for One and you can stop them from recouping their loss... A normal summoned Junk Synchron becomes a lone monster...
Tyrant's Desperation
Trap Card
Activate by Releasing 2 Non-Token Normal Monster you control. While this card is on the field. neither player can Normal Summon or Special Summon monster.
Alrighty this card is so fun!!! once you activate it the duel doesn't advance past the spot it's already at until someone waste's a Trunade or Typhoon on this card...
Withdrawl Command
Trap Card
Return all monster you control to their owner's hand.
Card is so funny... but I bet I can find a use for it somewhere lol... Doesn't even need a review it's so simple.
Deep Dark Trap Hole
Trap Card
Activate only when a Level 5 or higher Effect Monster(s) is successfully Special Summoned. Remove from play that Level 5 or higher Effect Monster(s).
This card helps out in Naturia decks because it freely stops anything strong enough to beat Bambooshoot and it doesn't say Destroy so it cannot be negated by Stardust or Magatama Musakani...

Trap Card
When a Non-Water Monster is Normal Summoned or Special Summoned successfully, and you control a face-up WATER Monster, that Non-WATER Monster is changed to Defense Position.
This card is pretty beast... it's a Stumbling for Water decks that only hurts your opponent. It also makes your weak Water monsters stronger.
Water-Releasing Seal Art
Trap Card
Once per turn, you can send 1 WATER Monster from your hand to the Graveyard to select 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard and remove it from play.
This card is really good... it makes every card in your hand a only your turn D.D. Crow. It's pretty awesome.
THAT WAS NUMBER 80!! Alright who wants to start a new style of play!!! I suggest that my readers try out playing a new way it's unofficial but rather fun... It's called Series... According to this format it would make every card legal in 3's from Duelist Revolution until Photon Shockwave. try it out on DN I bet you'll like it once you get a group of people to play it with. (EDIT: Had the name wrong Sealed would be Sneak Preview format)
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