Thursday, November 10, 2011

Laval Quasar is broken

Well here it is... Essentially the combo is to use Sweltering Heat Transmission Field to drop Laval Magma Cannoneer and the Tender to fill the grave with 3 Tender and 2 Magma... You then use Rekindling to make Librarian and Laval Twinslayer and then special summon Boost Warrior or use Searing Fire Wall to summon out 1 token... Note regardless you haven't summoned yet and you drew 3 cards minimum if one of those was rekindling you can make a Trish as well lol. That's turn 1 and unbeatable...
BTE do you all like this format for decks or would you rather have a list or both? Read More for something fun

Yuginshin: too young
zombiehunter326: oh sure
Yuginshin: Sailor Moon subbed is actually hard to understand
Yuginshin: dubbed is easy
Yuginshin: because they make up plot
Yuginshin: to americanize it
Yuginshin: The sheer depth of Usagi and Mamoru's relationship is beautiful
Yuginshin: but as a child it's hard to understand all the girls feelings
Yuginshin: I for one didn't understand it the first time I watched it
Yuginshin: subbed
Yuginshin: back when I was like 12
Yuginshin: if you were to watch it you'd hate it at first probably
Yuginshin: telling you now
Yuginshin: but it's quite beautiful if redundant
Yuginshin: I for one have watched the entire anime 3 times
Yuginshin: all 200 episodes
Yuginshin: hey stop stealing
Yuginshin: biggest stack EVER
Yuginshin: Clannad has 44 episodes total...
Yuginshin: not including Extra's or OVA's or the Movie
Yuginshin: most ignorant Overlay ever
Yuginshin: I'm still waiting for a Rank 11 Xyz
Yuginshin: it's nigh impossible
zombiehunter326: ss your spels and put to monster and change control
Yuginshin: so much work
zombiehunter326: do you wanna break dn or not
Yuginshin: it won't break though
zombiehunter326: itll be a mind f*ck
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: this shows you how much of a life we have
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: someones watching
Yuginshin: I know
Yuginshin: Orichalcos FTW
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: lol random
zombiehunter326: quaser has to be top
Yuginshin: what about the other quasar
Yuginshin: gotta have both
zombiehunter326: i cant find it in tis
Yuginshin: YAY
zombiehunter326: YAY
Yuginshin: I got stacks on stacks on stack
Yuginshin: lol it dind't get taller
Yuginshin: huzzah
zombiehunter326: nooo
Yuginshin: you'll never kill my Kuriboh Army!!!
Yuginshin: He explodes to negate
Yuginshin: Multiply!!!
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: ill be a bitch and fall off the edge if u dont stop
Yuginshin: NOOOOO
Yuginshin has lost 4000 life points
Yuginshin: psyhce!!!
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: they come back forever!!!
zombiehunter326: noooo
Yuginshin's coin flip landed on tails
zombiehunter326: f*** yeah
Yuginshin: Flip a Coin if Heads you Die if Tails you live
Yuginshin's coin flip landed on heads
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: mokuba i failed u
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: so much lag
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: so much hax
zombiehunter326 has lost 1700 life points
Yuginshin: BTW Orichalcos
zombiehunter326: can we over lay tokens
Yuginshin: no
Yuginshin: all my tokens gain 500 and become DARK
zombiehunter326: damn was gnna have more hax
Yuginshin: even the ones on the backrow!!!
Yuginshin: Super Token Fujsion!!!
Yuginshin: huzzah trojan horse
Yuginshin: when you control my token you die!!!
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: nnnnnnnnooooooooooo
zombiehunter326 has gained 999999 life points
zombiehunter326 has lost 999998 life points
Yuginshin has gained 99999 life points
Yuginshin:  amore reasonable sum
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: i can still win
Yuginshin: how KAIBA@@
Yuginshin: I gain 1000 for every token on the field times your soul
zombiehunter326: blue eyes ultimant
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 1900 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 1900 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
zombiehunter326: that impossible
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin: Nothing is imposbble unless you are zoobomafoo!!!
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin: so ya
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
zombiehunter326: no ones ever been able to do that
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin: about that
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 19000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 1000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 2000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 4000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 8000 life points
Yuginshin has gained 3200 life points
Yuginshin: OOOO
zombiehunter326: O.O
Yuginshin: O/O/O/O
zombiehunter326: i understand everything now O>O
Yuginshin: O />O
Yuginshin: i > OO
zombiehunter326: my 8 billion overlay is gawd
Yuginshin: but my Infinite Life is Godder
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: And now I put on my Armor
zombiehunter326: well my kuriboh army cant be stopped
Yuginshin: which has attack equal to my lifepoints
Yuginshin: and deals piercing damage
Yuginshin: and lets me punch you in the face
Yuginshin: and try to kill you
zombiehunter326: oh shit
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: lol
Yuginshin: Joey comboes
zombiehunter326: FALCON PUNCH!!!!!!
Yuginshin: Kirby Suck up eff activate
zombiehunter326: no not that
Yuginshin: FALCON PAWNCH!!!!!!
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
zombiehunter326 has lost 1 life point
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: i dizes
Yuginshin has lost 999998 life points
Yuginshin: I barely lived
zombiehunter326: lololol
Yuginshin: was quite scary
Yuginshin: but don't worry I'm generic main character number 8
Yuginshin: I can never lose
Yuginshin: yay for Main Character Armor!!!
zombiehunter326: we must tell our tale of heroism to all our subjects
Yuginshin: prnt screen ftw
Yuginshin: only problem is the chat box
Yuginshin: I can't copy all of that
zombiehunter326: god we're lame
Yuginshin: so true
Yuginshin: this is why we shut up at school
zombiehunter326: Yuginshin: I saw it in america everydayYuginshin: on UPN 20Yuginshin: and then on toonamizombiehunter326: mine was betterYuginshin: nahYuginshin: mine was better because I understood itYuginshin: lolz
Yuginshin: lol fail
zombiehunter326: damn
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: so close
Yuginshin: lol 
Yuginshin: we can never win lol
zombiehunter326: some one take a screen shot ands save the chat to a word
zombiehunter326: thryhthr
Yuginshin: lol
zombiehunter326: do it
Yuginshin: trying

And then after I finished copying it I disconnected somehow and then when I got back on he d/ced too lol.


  1. List plz i cant read the names of the cards

  2. I understand that feeling I just assumed people would be able to recognize the pictures but then again most people don't have a stupid good memory for cards... next time i'll do the picture and a list and breakdown how the decks work.

  3. Thanks for posting this, awesome deck ^^

  4. Thank you I needed that compliment to give me a reason to keep trying to make this game fun for myself. Deck Building and Judging are all I am looking forward to right now until I can come into some money so as to finish my IRL decks. Glads are cheap and good right? I'll get on DN and test those out see how well I do.
