Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Watt's are RIDICULOUS!!!

Alright this will be a one day interlude between The Monster and Spell Reviews...

So I was playing around with Watts... 8000-0 Nearly Every Single Game!!!

Here's the build I'll put one sample play I love thanks to one of the comments on here...

Monsters: 18
3x Wattking Cobra
3x Wattgiraffe
3x Wattpheasant
3x Wattdragonfly
3x Plasma Ball
2x Meklord Emperor Granel
1x Honest

Spells: 9
3x Pot of Duality
2x Smashing Ground
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Recycling Batteries
1x Dark Hole

Traps: 13
2x Photonize
3x Threatening Roar
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mirror Force
2x Watt Cancel
1x Royal Oppression
1x Divine Wrath
1x Dust Tornado

Extra: 15
No Tuners so it must be all Xyz lol

Best play is Plasma Ball hits for 900 direct... it dies summon Granel... swing over brionac... steal librarian... beast mode


  1. ...I'm guessing that comment was the one I made in PHSW Review 1 about Plasma Ball?

    I run a Watt deck myself using Watthopper Lock and Solidarity, the new Photon Lead adds to the speed I can get Hoppers onto the field. Running Granel does put more pressure on the opponent, though. I'm loooking forward to the sample play.

  2. I regret selling my Wattdeck now. I'll go cry.


  3. Yep Anonymous the comment I passed off as useless was to my chagrin epicness so I added it to the review lol. Valafar I wish I had a Watt deck in real life lol. Photon Lead is something I decided not to use because it's not something I would like in Watts (Then again I can't do a Lock it's not something that makes me happy (I can't even use the Naturia deck I built because it's just ignant...)

  4. Oh and also the inclusion of Grannel can make some near OTK's lol... Turn 2 was Cyber Dragon swung at King Cobra... Photonize... Turn 3 Summon Plasma Ball... Swing for 4000 direct and drop a 4000 Granel and run over Cyber Dragon... Nothing could be done about him losing next turn was epic.

  5. Can you create a good Saber hybrid with samurais??

  6. I probably can let me do my 10 card review first and I'll start researching for ya
