Friday, June 24, 2011

I don't think the few top 32 agent builds at Providence were quite correct

The thing is a few blogs here and there are saying Agents won't be good until Xyz come out and are saying from their experience that they aren't consistent... A standard professional at Yugioh normally has the triple Duality and double Warning and double Kristya and single Trishula.

Does anyone understand that the deck came out just a little over or under a week before providence... Not everyone copies the OCG decklists and nor does anyone know that the OCG decklist isn't built for our Meta... OCG top decks are Six Samurai, Junk Doppel Debris, Blackwing, and Agents. There are other decks that win often but those are the ones that are most prevalent (Though with Xyz I've seen an increase in Gadget based decks on Shriek.) I've created a build that solves most problems and personally main-decks outs to the main side-decked threats against the deck with rather nice synergy. Read More for More Information and the Build.

First off Rai-Oh kills you... so Herald of the Orange Light is necessary and so is Fiendish Chain or Divine Wrath (I chose Chain for this deck because protecting that turn 1 Earth is important.) Secondly people are trying to side Ally Bomb and Light-Imprisoning so you should main Seven Tools and once again Herald of the Orange Light...

Another thing many are overlooking is that Trishula isn't meant to be dropped mid-game... You should drop it early game (If you draw Earth you probably will). An Early Trish disrupts most decks from functioning and takes away any possible tempo your opponent could have gained... If their initial turn is a set-up like Tengu... Then remove their set-up and their hand card and anything in grave. Without most deck's set-up they fall apart... (This doesn't stop Sams because they don't really set-up they just go off at will (Herald stops them though)

Kristya is probably going to be summoned if you happen to draw her... And that locks out most decks from keeping up with you. (Oh and 1/3rd of the time Solemn Warning on Earth is a really bad play... (It turns into Hyperion if you do that...))

The deck has so many tools and with Triple Duality and triple Cards from the Sky you  can't really draw a bad hand unless you get no monsters for more than 2 turns... (Meaning someone didn't shuffle lol)

Miraculous Descent is a god send...That Cards from the Sky you had to use on Hyperion or Kristya just became a free huge beater. If you aren't running Descent in TCG then you can't really deal with the threats OCG doesn't have like Tengu... Descent can cheat out Kristya to stop your opponent from their Glow Tengu double 5 and a Tengu play (2400+2200+1700 hurts like a bitch) in the middle of their play so that they have a defenseless Glow-up... Seven Tools in TCG is necessary it's actually more necessary than Solemn Warning because of Tengu decks in TCG running Traps out the ass and in OCG their Doppel Decks (The only near equivalent) runs next to none.

Royal Decree is a bad card for the deck because of Tengu and Six Samurai which only run traps to disrupt to make their one-sided duels even more one-sided... You Decree them and they now know they can be as unsafe as they want. (Tengu mains 2-3 Effect Veiler most times so don't expect to get off your effects too often).

You have to play the deck safe you can't rely on Kristya and Hyperion coming out all the time (Though admittedly when ever you draw them they do.) So a comprehensive Trap Line-up is necessary.

Here's the build:
Monsters: 19
3x The Agent of Mystery - Earth
3x The Agent of Creation - Venus
1x The Agent of Miracles - Jupiter
3x Master Hyperion
2x Archlord Kristya
3x Mystical Shine Ball
1x Honest
3x Herald of the Orange Light

Triple Herald is the most scary out in the entire deck... it's a surprise Veiler you can use at any time for a slightly higher cost (Which is mitigated by Earth and drawing Shine Balls or other Heralds... It also fills the grave for Hyperion and Kristya). The Rest of the Monster line up is standard. (Jupiter is your normal summon out to Shi-En and Stardust...)

Spells: 11
3x Pot of Duality
3x Cards from the Sky
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Book of Moon

Traps: 10
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
2x Fiendish Chain (Herald #'s 4-5)
2x Miraculous Descent
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit

The Extra is nearly the same except it runs 1 Mist Wurm and 1 Trishula (Mist Wurm is to be replaced with Gachi Gachi Gantetsu and Iron Chain is to be replaced with Daigusta Phoenix)

The build improves the Six Sam and  Tengu Match-ups which are the most important for the deck due to the popularity of those. (Sams sorta die and Tengu has an uphill match without the free pluses)

And once again Don't run a Decree build if it isn't Declarer Agents (Which did great because no one expected Declarer and most of them hadn't played against it much or ever. Well that's just a little thought of mine. Please Follow if you like my information.


  1. Don't you need Sanctuary in the Sky to get Earth's effect off to grab
    Or just drawing into him? Also have you thought of White Elephants Gift to draw 2 with a Shine Ball on the field?

  2. To get Hyperion yes you need Sanctuary but you run 3... and he isn't necessary all the time... And without Sanctuary you draw into him pretty often still... I used to run a Sanctuary build and I never used the effect of Earth to get Hyperion. White Elephant Gift I've tried... it works but I've had some bad luck with it (Drawing it with no Shine Balls). This is just a straight up techless build. White Elephant's Gift is tech if it works for you by all means run it.
