Wednesday, June 29, 2011

HOLY Xyz!!! Rabbitman

EDIT: I formatted my External Hard Drive from NTFS to exFAT... problem is... I didn't have room to save the files so I thought that if I simply copied them I'd be able to place them back in after the format... I was wrong... If someone has any way I can get back my files please tell me...

Alright so Normal Monsters just go their own Rescue Cat...
Rescue Rabbit looks like an epic Rabbit that is going on an adventure... First off this little Rabbit just made Normal Monsters epic for Xyz.

Rescue Rabbit
Level 4
This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. Banish this face-up card you control: Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters from your Deck with the same name. A monster Special Summoned by this effect is destroyed during the End Phase. The effect of "Rescue Rabbit" can only be activated once per turn.

Alright so you all saw this at some point today... This card is hilarious it summon 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters from your deck at the cost of banishing it... The very last line on this card made it not complete Godlike... So this means no D.D.R shenanigans on the same turn... But this card just made Normal Monster Xyz so much better... This is a turn 1 instant Xyz Summon that can be Special Summoned anywhere but from the deck... Meaning Earth Shenanigans as well... The card is ridiculous... and it can Do any Xyz Rank from 1-4... In the right deck it's great and I'll be playing around with it on DN when it comes out.


  1. it's like a mixed rescue cat/demise!
    maybe we'll see a coulpe of inesct knights and doom doozers around
    maybe we'll see a way more stable and usable gemknight build
    DEFINITELY we will see xyz and fusions abusing this
    though only heros can really abuse this... i guess.
    but... just think about the possibilities! maybe gene warper warwolf see his so overhyped start in tier 2 up, since it's release with many people thiinking he would be gamebreaking and what else...
    but i do expect bringing out 2 beaters and killing your opp in a turn it wouldn't be possible just because you topdecked a rescue "bunny"
    and suddenly i feel like looking for normal monsters in my trades :D

  2. gladiators can now xyz with andal, contact essedari, and with a test tiger, even gyzarus, or laquari in field plus rabbit heraklinos!

    and two sabersaurus can do evolkaiser ragia
