Friday, February 2, 2018

TCG Banlist and what this means for the game

The New Banlist and You

Alright the one thing I've been waiting for has finally been announced and its perfect. This TCG banlist that goes into effect next Monday. With this change we have moved into a very amazing time in Yu-Gi-Oh history as this is the first time a deck has been Tier 0 and not gotten gutted in the TCG just love tapped yet is enough to take it from its Tier 0 status.

For those that don't already know for some reason here is the official list changes (Copied from


Blackwing – Gofu the Vague Shadow
Double Iris Magician
Level Eater
Maxx “C”
Performapal Skullcrobat Joker


Apoqliphort Towers
Grinder Golem
Performage Damage Juggler
Firewall Dragon
Monster Reborn
Solemn Judgment


Artifact Moralltach
Black Luster Soldier – Envoy of the Beginining
Card Trooper
Thunder King Rai-Oh
Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
Brain Control
El Shaddoll Fusion
Future Fusion
Mind Control
Preparation of Rites
Bottomless Trap Hole
Ojama Trio
Torrential Tribute

For my thoughts on this list click on "Read More" (Big Wall of Text you have been warned)

So lets start with the elephant in the room: the bans. I'll list out the cards and why I believe they were moved.

Blackwing - Gofu the Vague Shadow: This card single-handedly made the cost of Link Summons irrelevant as it acted as 3 Materials by itself with out even climbing. This card being gone gets rid of design limitations as every new link could be busted simply because this card made them too easy to make without any commitment to the board.

Dandylion: I love this card to death but it had to die as with the future release of Aromaseraphy Jasmine and the Burning Abyss Link it becomes far too abusable to climb your link summons with (Mathematician alone starts an infinite).

Double Iris Magician: Pendulum Magicians are not dead with this hit but they lose their consistency forcing them to run more copies of Time Pendulumgraph while also making Zarc nearly impossible to make for the deck. Sadly the deck may cease to exist after this list due to player perception of the power-level (Purple Poison and TIme Pendulumgraph are the best cards).

Level Eater: Dandylion made things too easy while Level Eater can summon your entire extra deck thanks to Linkuriboh and any other Link 1's they make or anything that can use it as Material such as the OCG Inzektor Link (Which conveniently places it in the graveyard). This cards just had too much power and was banned in the OCG while Dark Synchro was still a thing.

Maxx "c": I don't like this ban very much but it does remove some hard roadblocks decks face (Any deck that needs to summon a lot to play just can't play when this resolves). This is more like a 0 or 3 card at 3 it's not a lucksack and at 0 its not oppressive. This also signals to players that Konami wants you to be able to play without digging your opponent deeper into other hand-traps.

Performapal Skullcrobat Joker: Another Pendulum Magician hit but its not unwarranted as it was a huge amount of unnecessary searching while leaving in tact other Pendulum Decks that don't run it to begin with.

The Bans simply remove Pendulum Magicians from the top tables in their current form while removing the possibility of Level Eater or Dandylion spam to trivialize link summoning. Maxx "c"'s ban is a surprise but a game where you aren't punished for doing what is now considered fair play is a good thing.

The Newly Limited cards bring a whole new level of change far more impactful than even the bans.

Apoqliphort Towers: Qliphorts don't necessarily lose any power from MR4 but taking away Towers was too painful a hit to bear as that was their only real boss monster. With it returned Qliphort Genius makes Towers Turbo quite viable (Possibly a solid Tier 2+ deck depending on Trickstar Matchup).

Grinder Golem: The true abuse of this card requires cards we do not currently have in the TCG but even without them the downside of this card becomes too large of an upside with Link Monsters and limits future design space. Keeping it at 1 doesn't penalize decks like Mekk-Knights or Kaiju Luna as much as a ban would.

Performage Damage Juggler: This card has not been powercrept and is a solid way to profit from Trickstar burn damage. The true power of this card is in unlocking Performages as a full engine once again which to me is on par with Predaplants (And works really well with them). Now you can use that second normal on Trick Clown or search Hat Tricker.

Firewall Dragon: The first Link monster on the list needed the hit. It wasn't necessarily putting up results as much as it was threatening to create loops with itself and any Link Monster recursion. At one it keeps all its power but you can't skirt the effects restriction with another copy anymore.

Monster Reborn: This is not like Snatch Steal in my opinion as that card literally ended games (Much like pre-nerf Brain Control). Monster Reborn might stay off the list for quite a while as it is an iconic powerful card and the impact it will have is negligible aside from being included in any deck that use the graveyard at all. What this does mean though is much like the Heavy Storm ban list we are experiencing a huge shake up in Yu-Gi-Oh most likely leading to far less one-sided games with more comeback cards in the mix.

Spyral Resort: The hit I'm the most proud of. this card is the reason you can't answer a Spyral Board and it is simultaneously their biggest enabler allowing them to go +9 in some cases. Now it is much more fragile and their plus potential takes a huge dive. They'll still show up at the top tables but no longer as the top deck allowing for less Hand Traps to be needed currently.

Solemn Judgment: I love the situations this card creates as using it early on in the game means you probably need to win or stop your opponent from playing immediately. If this gets baited you lose and it gives backrow removal an actual place in the main deck. Paying Half your life points is both cheap and expensive depending on the situation.

When it comes to the unlimited cards I can give a brief overview of whats important.

1. Triple Rai-oh

2. Triple Bottomless

3. Triple Torrential Tribute

4. Triple Saqlifice

5. Triple Moralltach

6. Triple Preparation of Rites

These changes are pretty big the most important being the Triple Bottomless Trap Hole as recent results indicate Trap Holes that don't destroy or send to the graveyard are big game. Triple Rai-Oh means you can have a far higher chance of opening with one which shuts down Trickstars pretty hard as they literally cannot search with Candina and you get to negate their monster based attempts to out it. Between that and Inspector Boarder there is a lot of premium stun cards available. Rituals getting 3 Preparation of Rites is a big deal as well for Vendreads and Perfect Herald (Which has huge support in the new Structure Deck). Triple Saqlifice plus Qliphort Genius and Towers puts Qliphort back on the map. Triple Moralltach revives the fullpower Artifact Engine.

These changes are all going to be amazing for the game in the future with how TCG Konami designs our product releases as they can now easily shape the direction of the format without older decks being too much of a roadblock for the new face of the game.

Well that was long and entirely unedited as I simply do not care, I am too excited to be playing Yu-Gi-Oh again.

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