Monday, February 7, 2011

Nordic is awesome...

In lieu of the official STOR release in TCGland here is a Nordic Synchro deck:

3|Stor|Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts
3|Stor|Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts
3|Stor|Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts
3|Stor|Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendent
2|Stor|Valkyrie of the Nordic Ascendant
3|Abpf|Super-Nimble Mega Hamster
2|Drev|Effect Veiler
1|Stor|Maxx C

2|Stor|Forbidden Lance
1|Sdy|Monster Reborn
2|Ysds|Book of Moon
1|Sdp|Dark Hole
2|Sd8|Mystical Space Typhoon
1|Mrl|Giant Trunade
1|Een|Pot of Avarice

2|Stor|Gleipnir, Fetters of Fenrir
1|Mrd|Solemn Judgment
2|Drev|Solemn Warning
2|Sdzw|Bottomless Trap Hole
1|Mrd|Mirror Force
1|Sd2|Torrential Tribute

2|Drev|Voltic Bicorn
2|Csoc|Black Rose Dragon
2|Stor|Odin, Father of the Aesir
2|Stor|Thor, Lord of the Aesir
1|Dt08|Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Boundary
1|Ha01|Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1|Drev|Scrap Archfiend
1|Tdgs|Stardust Dragon
1|Drev|Scrap Dragon
1|Dp08|Armory Arm
1|Ha01|Ally of Justice Catastor

Okay here are a few standout plays that lead to a God
-Set Hamster = Thor or Odin depending on if you have Vanadis or not in hand
-Valkyrie and two Nordics in hand = Odin if you have nothing on the field.
-Set Tanngrisnir with Vanadis or Guldfaxe in hand=Odin or Thor.

Number of ways to get Tanngnjostr to the field or hand for future use.
2 Gleipnir
1 Sangan
3 Super-Nimble
3 Tanngjostr...

meaning 9 ways to get it to your field or hand meaning you should theoretically have it almost every time.

Just try the deck out it's actually quite fun to play considering it's normally fun to consistently drop a 4000 beater turn 2 with immunity to spells and traps on all your turns...

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