Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tour Guide of the Underworld (Early as crap)

I had no idea this card was revealed... Shit is so cash...
This Card is Pure WIN

Alright this card is extremely powerful. Level 3 may seem like a bad choice but remember this is America's First Exclusive Exceed Support card. Let's look at every useful card it can summon:

Djinn Releaser of Rituals: This card can be an instant level 6 Ritual Summon and lock down your opponent's Special Summons.

Sangan: I guess if you really want to but You'd have to have Sangan sent to the graveyard and Exceeds don't help with him.

Infernity Necromancer: well duh lol Barrier is now live.

But those don't Matter this card will be summoning either Empty Space Sea Serpent Leviael or No. 39 Electronic Computer-Beast Tera Byte. If you pull off Tera Byte  things get fun. Here's a simple and easy combo. Tour Guide of the Underworld>Djinn Releaser of Rituals> Empty Space Sea Serpent Leviael>Revive Hellway Patrol> Summon Norsewemko> GG

Opponent now cannot Special Summon... You can remove Hellway Patrol for another card later or you can Revive the Djinn for another Ritual Summon. Card is pretty beast and a great boost to Demon Control along with the entire Exceed line-up. Hellway Patrol+Fabled Galvas>Aspiring King Hope> swing and negate himself to drop Hellway Patrol> Double Up Chance> Swing drop Galvas> Double Up Chance lol gg.

There are alot more fun things you can do with Demon Control as the deck gets further and further fleshed out. Note: Tour Guide of the Underworld> Sangan> Exceed for Leviael>Drop Sangan to revive any RFG'd Fiend hopefully Hellway Patrol/ Infernity Archfiend and swing


  1. Infernity finally got their own Rescue Cat. I for one am overjoyed.


  2. You also forgot Bugman lol. I envy TCG SOOOOO MUCH
