Saturday, April 30, 2011

GG r2?

Okay, went to the sneak today... (Just got back) I bought two entrances and got two tengus... traded for the third and an ult blade blaster. All in all i wasted 40 dollars lol...

Tourney... round one I lose badly to Disaster Dragon through a combination of bad draws and him having great ones.

Round 2: I duel against some fabled deck that was far from complete... Like he ran random fiends because he didn't have all the pieces... And it was 58 cards... Somehow I lost a round but won in the end.

Round 3: I duel against a zombie deck using some really bad zombie cards... somehow once again I randomly lost a round but destroyed with Assailant, Necrovalley, Rai-Oh, and Royal Oppression for the match..

Round 4: I duel against Chain Burn... First duel I was able to space and dust most of the burn before it went off... Eventually he got me low on life and was about to burn for game but I negated the second burn card with Solemn Judgment to 400 Life and attacked for game.

Round 5: I duel against Six Samurai... First duel... He draws a bad hand and gets ran over by keepers... Second duel lol he swarms with Shi-En and a field of brokenonsense... Swings and I Mirror Force... He negates... Divine wrath... he proceeded to lose to 4 Descendant pokes for 2000.

Round 6: I get a BYE and the Sams beat the Disaster Dragon and we had stacking check on the Sams due to them drawing God twice and the Disaster Dragon drawing crap twice...

Round 7: Rematch against the broken Sams... He goes all out and turn 1 plays Naturia Barkion, Naturia Landoise, LSS Shi En... my turn... Necrovalley (We forget about this), normal Descendant, and set Mirror Force and Divine Wrath (FYL). He swings and I Mirror Force... he uses Barkion (Illegal with Valley but we forget )Didn't matter)) I Divine Wrath for game... same way as before... Next Duel he swarms with nonsense and ironically my facedowns were Dimensional Prison and Divine Wrath (It would have been enough to survive if Kizan wasn't 2100 lol). (I only run 1 Divine Wrath lol)... Next round is unfair to him... Space and Dust, Space, Dust... (Yes that happened) So he had no backrow and no monsters and necrovalley prevented him from Double-Edging so I swung many many times with some random gravekeeper for game...

I win... I get said Extreme Victory Mat!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! My first true first placing after beating Sams not once but twice with Gravekeepers (I barely was able to use my Side-Deck lol)

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