Let's examine it:
Attack 400
Defense 600
Level 3
Effect: If this card is sent to the Graveyard for a Synchro Summon, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Zombie-Type monster from your Graveyard.
So all this bold points to something... but what?
Debris Dragon
Debris+Beast of the Pharaoh=Level 7 Dragon Synchro and any level 4 or lower Zombie in the graveyard. It even works if you nuke the field with brd like dandy.
Debris>Spec. Summon Beast> Tune BRD nuke> Special Summon Zombie Master> pitch dandy for Zombie Master>pitch something else for plaguespreader> tune for Brionac and Goyo> swing for free.
All profit!
:O Impressive card. But hard to incorporate into my decks since the Zombie condition :P