OK, so this will be a short one as I work on things to actually post that should be interesting. I used to post a lot about OCG cards and using them alongside TCG cards which is never possible EVER. The realization came about while durdling around on YGOPro and playing in the "TCG/OCG" format with a TCG banlist. The reason this is bad is simply because the odds are low that the Format will ever allow this to happen in either OCG or TCG. As an example people who are brewing F.A's with Cryston Glassfiber are brewing for YGOPro format as there is a Banlist and possibly a whole other set release before these two things can even happen together. On the other hand I am fine with people testing Millennium Eyes and Skulldeat in their Vendreads or F.A decks but I am not fine with using Elementsabers with a TCG banlist as there is a gigantic possibility that you are wasting time testing something you'll never be able to have.
In the past I would use the newest revealed cards to try out awesome silly deck ideas and while fun it severely disconnected me from what is actually viable in real life. I would be testing decks using cards from sets such as the "Dimension Box" and even now none of these currently exist in the TCG aside from the alternate arts. Now I would love to use "Link Vrains Box" in conjunction with FLOD cards for Trickstars or Goukis but even though I have a guarantee FLOD will be coming out before Summer 2018 I have now idea when or if we will ever get the Box considering import slots in FLOD are most likely Link Vrains Pack cards.
One of the biggest issues is when people say "X Deck is BROKEN OP OP WTF KONMAI" and the deck in question is some form of OCG FTK using a TCG banlist making it far more powerful than it really is. A good example is videos with cards from FLOD + TCG Banlist + OCG Promos as that combo has to go through possibly TWO banlists and requires Promo's to be released in the TCG which generally takes a very long time to happen (On purpose for balance reasons most of the time).
So for the life of this blog I will only be doing posts or other media relating purely to the TCG format with exceptions for guaranteed releases such as currently Extreme Force and Legend Duelist 2 (OR W/E its TCG name is). I will occasionally cover OCG trends that are viable to be replicated in TCG with minimal changes but aside from that I'm sticking to things I can test in real life if need be.
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